Chapter 2: The Pink Cupcake

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I went to bed that night replaying what had just happened in my head. I had trouble sleeping as I was filled with this tingly feeling, like I just drank a big can of Red Bull.

I just met Shawn Mendes. I mean sure, it might of been by far the most embarrassing moment of my life, but he was standing right in front of me.
And the best part is I get to see him tomorrow. I finally end up drifting into a deep slumber.


Beep, beep, beep.
I stop my alarm and leap out of bed.

Good morning wonderful world. I could see the sun shinning and the birds chirping. Today I am going to see Shawn.

I prance down the hall into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and quickly wash my face ( cause in a perfect world no one would have acne) . I go back into my room and immediately turn on my favorite playlist on my phone.

I have a total jam out session as I get ready. I mouth the words infront of my mirror as I straighten my hair. My hair is right in the middle of straight and curly, it has a few waves here and there, but not the good kind. Also, the constant Florida humidity doesn't help either. So in order to keep my hair frizz at a minimum I must straighten it.

I slip on a simple causal dress. The ones that look a little like a big shirt. It is all gray except for the sleeves which are black. After that I start my makeup, just the simple stuff, I put on some black eye liner to make my light green eyes pop.

I assess myself in the mirror. Confident, be confident. Something I lack in, but today is going to be and amazing day, because not only do I look my best, but I am finally 16.

I grab my white converses and dash downstairs into the kitchen.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY." My mom, dad, and brother are all standing around the kitchen table, with a big plate of pancakes in the middle.

"Are these all for me?" I squeal

"Why of course sweety." My mom says smiling. The smell of the pancakes tickle my nose as my mouth starts to water. I sit down and immediately dig in. I drench the pancakes in sticky sirup and stick big forkfuls in my mouth.

"Riley "

I freeze. My fork in mid air. "Before we forget we would like to give you your birthday gift now."

I drop my fork and my mouth forms into a big smile as the suspense builds.
My mother walks out of the room. I am sitting on the edge of my chair, this year unlike all my other birthdays I had no idea what I wanted, besides going to Jingle Ball. I felt like I already had everything, so what more could I want?

My mom walks back into the kitchen holding a big acoustic guitar. My breath stops, it's wood finish gleams as it touches the light. It looks like a completely regular guitar except the sound whole had a ring around it, I don't know what it was, but it is gorgeous it gleams blue, silver, and green. Like a beautiful seashell.

"Oh my gosh it is gorgeous mom I don't know what to say." My checks are starting to get sore because I am smiling so much.

"I thought you would like it because it is simple, yet unique."

"Thank you, thank you so much!" I pull all three of us into a group hug, something we don't do very often.
Then the door bell ring.

I detach myself from the hug and make my way up to the front door. I swing it open to find my two best friends, Helen and Simone, standing on my front porch.

Helen has her beach blonde hair up in a high pony tail and is wearing a black long sleeve shirt and black vans. Simone managed to put her wild mane of black curly hair into two braids, making her look like a porcelain doll with her sea blue blouse.

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