Chapter 1: collision

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I step out and lock my car as I slowly drag myself through the doors of the familiar Walgreens, greeted by the steral yet dusty smell.

I pick up a basket and start to make my way down the isles. My brown hair is thrown up into a messy bun as I grudge through the store in my pajamas. It's the night before Jingle Ball and of course the worst of the worst has happened. I started my period. The ship has sailed... a week early.

Soon after scrambling to find some tampons I discovered that of course we are all out. Why me? So I had to drag my lazy butt over to Walgreens late at night to restock.

I slowly shuffle through the isles filling my basket with other necessities that I happen to need -you know shampoo, hair ties- till I finally hit the tampon isle. My eyes graze the shelf. I know girls are supposed to know exactly which brand they like best, but I still don't have a clue, I mean they all do the same thing, so I just grab a random box, place it in my basket and hope for the best.

I walk back up the isle, asking myself if there is anything else I need to get.

Deep in thought I turn the corner into the next isle where I am greeted by another person, well more like smashed into by another person.

The few contents I have in my basket go spilling everywhere as I hit the ground.

"I'm so so sorry, I should've been watching where I was going." I scramble keep my eyes on the ground trying to pick up my items as fast as possible.

"Hey it's totally fine I wasn't looking where I was going either."

I stiffen, that voice. I lift up my head, only to be greeted by a face I have seen so many times before.

"Um" I stare dumbstruck. How can it be, standing right over me is no other then the Shawn Mendes. Of course the time when I look like a hobo, with my makeup less skin and pajamas.

"Here, let me help you up." He holds out his hand. I reach out and grab it as he helps me off the ground, butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

His grip was firm yet cautious and as he lifts me off the ground you can see how muscular his arms are. I had to stop myself from staring. God he probably thinks I'm a freak.

"Oh" his face looks down as I see him reach down to pick something up "I believe these are yours."

I look to see what he is holding and immediately turn red. He too looks down to see the tampon box as he hands them to me, pink also creeping up on his cheeks. Why does it have to look so cute on him, where as I look like a tomato, which in fact he does not like.

This is probably the best, yet most embarrassing moment in my life. My stomach feels like it has rocks in it rather than butterflies.

I stare at the tampons, slowly reaching out and grabbing them, I don't know what to say so I blurt out the first thing in my head

"They're for my brother." Oh no, I think I just made things worse. Shawn's face changes into utter confusion.

"I mean they're for my brothers... experiment, on tampons to see which one is more absorbent." God could this get more embarrassing. Shawn smirks slightly, till his face changes looking like he has just realized something

"Oh I should probably introduce myself I'm Sh-"

"Shawn Mendes" I interrupt. He smiles, as my stomach does flips. " Yeah I'm kind of a fan." Kind of, well isn't that an understatement. I'm literally shaking like a leaf right know.
"Oh yeah, I forget sometimes that so many people know who I am before I know them." He scratches the back of his neck and laughs. He really is just as adorable in person.

"Yeah," I do a little nervous laugh. "I really do love your music though, some of the music these days doesn't have any meaning, they are just about drinking and partying, but your songs actually mean something. The lyrics are like a story, they inspire people, make them happy." My eyes shift to the floor as I blush.

" That actually means a lot. Thank you." He smiles showing his perfectly straight teeth. "Oh and I never caught your name."

"Riley, Riley Potter."

"No way." His smiles grows even bigger. "That is like the most awesome last name ever, I'm a huge fan of Harry Potter, I would kill to have that last name."

"Well I would kill to have the last name Mendes." Oh shoot, that sounded so creepy, I feel the heat rising in my cheeks again. " I-I didn't mean it like that." Shawn laughs with his light twinkly laugh.

"Are you going to Jingle Ball tomorrow?"

"Yes I actually am."

"Awesome! Here, I would like to give you something."

Shawn grabs a greeting card off the isle and a pen and starts scribbling on it. "Here." He hands me the card.

"Hopefully you can use this as a meet and greet pass, I signed it and everything so it is authorized. Be at the stadium at noon. At a bottom entrance there should be a sign that says meet and greet, show them this and they should let you through."

My stomach is literally going crazy with butterflies. I can't believe Shawn just gave me a meet and greet pass, meaning that I not only can see him again, but I can meet all the other acts too. I didn't even mention Jingle Ball is the day of my 16th birthday.

"Thank you so much, you really don't have to do this."

"It's the least I could do for a fan."
His smile makes me melt inside. I try to compile myself the best I can.

"I should probably go. I need to get home. It was nice meeting you." I start walking backwards.

" It was nice meeting you too Riley Potter." I smile and turn around immediately running into the corner of the isle, making things fall from the shelves.

"Are you okay?" Shawn asks.

" Yeah it's fine, walls tend to get in my way of walking quite often," I smile sheepishly. He laughs.



"Try not to hurt yourself too much." He flashes me a smile.

"I can't make any promises."

Shawn's POV-

She turns to leave and ended up smashing into the isle.

"Are you okay?" I asked feeling concerned for her.

" Yeah it's fine, walls tend to get in my way of walking quite often," she smiles. I chuckle.


"Bye," she says.

"Try not to hurt yourself too much," I flash her a smile.

"I can't make any promises."

She walks away, not running into anything in the process.

Wow. Riley Potter really is something.

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