Chapter 3: Jingle Bell Rock

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The outside patio area infront of the arena is where the preshow is being held, and right know it is filled with a big crowd of screaming girls.

Since we didn't come early enough to be in the front, due to the meet and greet, we had to stand in the back. But as time passed we slowly slipped through the crowd and got to stand in the middle.

The hot Florida sun was giving us no mercy, and was beating down on us. I look at my phone, 2:10. "They need to get this show on the road, I don't know how much longer I can stand this heat."

"Yeah, my feet are starting to hurt." Helen whines.

Music was playing from the stage so we had something to listen to while we waited, but the bass was so loud that you could feel the ground shake and your ear drums ache.

"I feel bad for the people in front, their eardrums are probably bleeding from the music being so loud." I partially yell over the music.

"I know, this better start soon or there is going to be a fangirl riot and nobody wants to see that cause shit will go down." Simone laughs.

Suddenly all three of us perk up as girls start to scream in the first row. Like a wave the screams travel back, all three of us joining in.

A man walks onstage, he is bald and is wearing a grey v-neck and blue jeans. "Welecome everyone to the Tampa Jingle Ball pre-show free show, his voice booms from the speakers. "I am Steven Robbs and I will be announcing all the acts in today's show, so with no further due, I would like to announce our first act of the day SHAWN MENDES!"

The crowd bursts into screams as Helen, Simone, and I jump up and down. Shawn walks onstage with a huge smile on his face his guitar is hanging from a neck strap as he walks toward the center .

"How is everyone doing today?" He yells into the mic. Everyone burst into a louder fit of screams as some group of girls to our left burst out crying. My heart does little flutters, and my heart races, he really is perfect. "The song that I'm going to be singing is a song I really like. It's called Show You." The crowd irrupts again into screams as Shawn starts to strum his guitar. His voice literally gives me heart palpitations as he sings into the mike.

Everyone around us is either singing or mouthing the words. Helen, Simone, and I are all doing a cute little dance that we made up to go with the song as we laugh and giggle. "If you really wanna see me now? Watch me walk across the clouds. Do I need to show you? Guess I gotta show you." When Shawn hits the last chord the crowd bursts out into cheers. The look of Shawn's face just makes you want to smile. You can tell he is living his dream.

"Okay guys I want to say something real quick before I sing this next song." As if someone flipped a switch the crowd immediately goes silent.
"So today during the meet and greet I met this girl named Riley, and after the meet and greet a little someone told me that today is her 16th birthday, so by saying happy birthday I would like to dedicate this next song to her."

Shawn starts to play as I stand there dumb struck. Am I dreaming? Really, somebody pinch me please.

Helen leans over and whispers in my ear "You're welcome" I look over to her a smile covering my whole face, tears welling up in my eyes as I mouth the words thank you over the screaming girls.

"We don't have to be ordinary make your best mistakes, cause we don't have the time to be sorry, baby live the life of the party." I cheer and whoop as loud as I possibly could, not only because I was on cloud nine, but because I was trying to get Shawn's attention. I dance and cheer my little heart out with Helen and Simone by my side.

I could see Shawn's eyes look through the audience every once in a while, but he was focusing more on the music.
Finally Shawn hits the last chord, and right as he hits it his eyes find mine. My cheeks blush red, as my already huge smile grows bigger. I yell thank you, but I'm not sure if he heard it with all the screaming fans around me, but I pretty sure I saw him wink.

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