Chapter 4: Ben & Jerry

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Relief came flooding in my as I looked at the x-rays. "Your arm is not broken." The doctor points to the x ray. "But by the way it is swelling your wrist is definitely sprained. We will wrap it up for you and we recommend you ice it when you get home."

He walks out of the room, his white coat trailing behind him. He closes the door behind him only for it to reopen.

Helen and Simone come walking in laughing. Simone has a white bag in her hands and throws it into my lap.

"What's this?" I look down at my lap.

"La cafe de mcdonalds."

"Really?! Thanks girl." I reach into the bag, pull out a fry and stick it in my mouth. I heave a deep sigh "I swear I felt like I was going to start eating my own arm if I didn't eat anything soon."

"No problem girl friend." Helen and Simone jump up onto the bench next to me, the paper crinkling loudly under their legs. "Speaking of your arm, is it okay?" I look at Simone her eyebrows are crinkled together giving her face a worried expression.

Simone has always been sweet like that, worried about others before she worries about herself.

"My arm is fine, my wrist is just sprained, I'm just happy it's over winter break, because I don't know how I would write if I was in school."

"That's what you have us for." Helen puts her hand over her heart. "I would be honored to be your personal writer."

"Okay." I say I laugh "whatever you say, my knight in shinning armor." We all laugh as my mom walks into the room.

"How are you feeling sweetie? The doctor told me that you sprained your wrist."

"Yeah." I do a little half smile. "Well, at least it's not broken."

"oh oh oh." Simone jumps of the bench excitement in her eyes. "I have the most amazing idea on how to spend the rest of the night."

"What?" Helen and I both say at the same time. "Jinks" she yells.

"You owe me I coke." I add.

"Whoa whoa whoa you're the one who owes me a coke." She laughs.

"Guys," Simone waves her arms trying to get our attention again. We take a moment to calm down.

"Sorry Simone we are all ears."

She pauses as a smile spreads across her face "have either of you met my friends Ben and Jerry?"


I use all my strength but the ice-cream won't budge "come on ice-cream work with me here."

I set the pint of ice-cream in between my legs as I try to use my left hand to dig it out. Helen looks over and sees me struggling, she immediately bursts out laugh.

"I would help you but it is pretty entertaining watching you try to do it yourself." I pucker my lip and make my light green eyes grow big.

"Pwetty, pwease, it's my birthday remember." Helen sighs dramatically.

"Fine, but only because it is your birthday."

I smile as she walks out of the rooms. "Thank wou."

Helen walks back in carrying a pink plastic bowls. She sticks her hand out and I pass her the spoon and the ice-cream. She easily takes two scoops of ice-cream and places it into the bowl.

"I loosened it for you."

"I'm pretty sure you can't loosen ice-cream." She says as she passes me the bowl.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2015 ⏰

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