A Wedding

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Poppy's POV

It was my big day! My biggest day ever! I was getting married!

Now before you get all excited, let me clear something up, this wasn't with Branch. We had broken up over three years prior to this, mutually, and he was now dating a new friend in Trollstopia named Laguna Tidepool. They were actually a lot more stable than we were, which I didn't mind.

No, Branch wasn't the one I was tying the hair knot with. That honor went to someone who I had grown to love over these past few years and who proposed to me in such a loving and surprising fashion: The Queen of Rock, Barb.

We had gotten together over these past few years and we were actually pretty strong as a couple. We both like music, we both liked to discuss Queen duties, and we had a lot of interests that just coalesced with each other. We had been discussing our future a tiny bit before this, but the proposal still came completely by surprise and caught me off-guard.

We had it scheduled for the summer solstice, and all Trolls from the six tribes were gathered to celebrate, along with their leaders.

Of course, me marrying Barb did bring up a lot of issues with the whole royalty thing, which is why, prior to this, I decided to entrust my leadership over to the Snack Pack and retire as Queen.

While it was a bit controversial at first, my decision did come to be understood by many. I was gonna be with Barbie now, and I couldn't balance out those two things in my life at the same time. I had learned that lesson WAAAY too many times.

The wedding was beautifully crafted and had a lot of elements of both tribes mixed into it, like the lovely looking flowers of the Pop tribe mixed with the lava flows of Rock. In short, perfect for us today.

"Ooooh, you are gonna look so glamorous for this today Poppy!" Chenille said.

The twins Satin and Chenille were helping me get ready, along with Smidge, Val Thundershock, and Holly Darlin.

"Yeah, girl! You're gonna look like me if I was dressed like that for the Lonesome Flats Cutie Pageant," Holly chimed in, braiding my hair, "come to think of it..."

"Okay, Holly, don't get either jealous or overzealous!" Val said, patting her on the shoulder, "This is her day, let's make her feel comfortable for Barb."

"If you say so, Sugar," Holly said, fixing the braid.

When they were done, I looked in the mirror to see myself. I looked gorgeous! I had my hair free flowing upward in a curve, a glitter-coated dress, a soft flower on my side, and a nice Rock earring I got from Barb, which she made just for me.

"I look...beautiful!!" I said, covering my mouth in surprise.

"Well, ya sure are!" Holly yelled, "now you ready to tame the wild rodeo known as...marriage?"

"Depends. how long I got, Smidge?"I asked her.

"40 minutes," Smidge said causally.

Everyone's hair jumped at that.

"Oh boy," I said, nervously.

"Nope, sorry read that wrong," Smidge said, "20 MINUTES!!!"

That sent us into a tailspin.

"Okay, okay, it's okay," I said, calmly, "you got this. Just go out there, say the vows, put on the ring, kiss her and she'll be your brand new wife. Easy."

With the time approaching, me and bridesmaids headed out to the venue gathering space and waited for the moment to arrive. Then the bells started to ring and the organ began to play. It was finally time.

"You ready, Sugar?" Holly asked me.

"We'll see," I said, certain that this was gonna be amazing for me. No...for us.

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