The Big News

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Barb's POV

It had been four and a half months since I married Poppy, and we were functioning well as a couple. We had good relationships with the people, established new travel routes, and improved and united a lot of the Troll communities.

We had visits from Branch, Laguna, Holly, and Val, along with the rest of our Tribe friends. They were glad we were doing well together and they supported me and Poppy through our tough points.

Lately, though, it seemed like Poppy herself was hiding something. It happened about a week ago, when she came home acting squirrelly. She didn't say much about it, in fact, she tried to dodge the subject for as long as possible.

Well, today, I was gonna confront her about it. I needed to know if everything was alright between us and if there was something wrong.

I was cutting up food for dinner when she walked home, clad in her rocker headband, t-shirt, and leather jacket and skirt.

"Hey, honeybun, how you doing?" she asked, tossing her keys in the bowl.

"I'm fine, you?" I asked, almost sternly.

"I'm good," she said, sitting down, "is something wrong? You seem upset."

"Yeah," I said, pulling up a chair, "are you okay? You've been acting all squirrelly lately, and it seems're hiding something."

Poppy looked down for a moment, before looking back at me.

"Okay, you're right. I was hiding something from you, but only because I wanted to surprise you."

"Surprise me with what?"

She pulled out a little white rod from her pocket and handed it to me. I took it and looked at it, and my eyes went wide. It was a pregnancy test device...with two lines.

I looked up at Poppy, a shocked smile on my face.

"YOU'RE PREGNANT!!??" I said, astounded.

"Surprise!!!" Poppy squealed, joyfully.

I jumped up, picked up Poppy and twirled her in excitement at this news. As soon as I set her back down, I gave her a big kiss on the face in joy.

"Is it a boy or a girl? I gotta know, Popcorn!"

"It's a girl! We're gonna have a girl!"

We both squealed in glee at that news, before giving each other a big wide hug.

No sooner did I let her go, did I sit down and start to reel from this news.

"Oh, oh man," I said, now anxious.

"You alright?" Poppy now asked me.

"Yeah, I just...this now all feels so sudden. I don't even know if I'm the best fit parent for the job."

"Don't say that," Poppy said, supportingly, "you're gonna be a great mother. We both are. I know it."

"You mean it?" I said, nervous

"Yeah, I do," she said, giving me a cheek kiss.

After that, I stood up and dusted myself off.

"So before I forget, I gotta ask, how far along is our little Roxie?" I said, gesturing to the Troll egg growing in Poppy's hair.

"About a month," Poppy said, holding my hand, "I just found out last week. I didn't tell you cause I wanted it to be a surprise."

"Well, consider me pleasantly surprised!" I said, giving my wife a long and gentle hug.

"The doctor said she'a due next February, so we got a long ride ahead of us."

"Oh, don't worry," I said, giving her a wink, "as long as our baby's healthy, it'll be worth the wait."

We melted into a kiss as we celebrated the conception of our new daughter. I just remembered us holding each other there, swaying from side to side, letting all our worries just flow away.

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