Three's a Family

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Barb's POV

I still couldn't believe it with my own eyes. It was a child under that egg, our child.

As soon as the last layer of the shell collapsed, me and Poppy got to see for ourselves the face of our baby girl. Our little princess Roxie. She had the same pink skin and hairstyle as Poppy, but the hair color and eyes I could tell resembled my own.

Poppy picked up Roxie and held her in her arms as she started to wail. She then sung the Pop-Rock infant a lullaby to soothe her newborn hearing, which calmed her down.

"Hello, my little starlight," Poppy whispered into her small ear.

"Ma...mama," Roxie cooed as she felt her mother's gentle face, recognizing her immediately.

Poppy and I both swooned at the sound of her child's innocent voice, and I started to tear up at the sight of our baby. I never thought I would be a mother, nor that I would have such a beautiful child, yet this day proved both of those wrong. It was all I could ask for and more.

Poppy looked up at me, a small smile forming on her face.

"Well, don't you wanna hold your new baby girl?" she asked me.

I nodded and held my arms out to take her. I took Roxie into my arms as she looked on at the sight of me, cooing the whole time. I felt her strong small hand grasp around my finger, and immediately I knew that she was my daughter, too.

"Mama," she cooed again as she reached for my face, too, knowing me as well.

"Aren't you a little bundle of joy?" I asked as I held both Roxie and Poppy close to me. Now we were a family alright. A Pop-Rock family with a lot of love to go around.

Later that evening, when we had the doctor get a good look at Roxie and give us the all clear on her, we sat there at Roxie's crib, putting her to sleep.

"Hush little baby, don't say a thing."

"Mama's gonna get you a ruby ring."

"And if you somehow lose that ring."

"Mama's gonna hold you and just sing."

After that, Roxie fell fast asleep, her little snore winning over both of us in that moment. Poppy set her down and gave her a little kiss on the forehead.

"Goodnight, my little firefly," she said, walking over to the bed.

I followed suite and gave her a similar kiss on the face.

"Goodnight, my baby Rockstar," I said, turning off the lights.

I climbed into the bed with Poppy and cuddled up next to her as we all drifted off to sleep.

"What did I tell you, huh?" Poppy asked, "I told you we were gonna be good moms."

"Yeah, it'll be rough," I said, holding her in my arms, "but it'll be worth it."

"Sure will. Goodnight Barbie."

"Goodnight, Popsqueak."

And with that we all drifted off into a much needed sleep. We may have been an unusual kind of family, but we were gonna make it work. We had everything we needed - a home...a family...a future.

Parb: MotherhoodOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant