Tying the Hair Knot

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Barb's POV

I stood there at the alter nervous as heck. I was scared of what was about to happen yet excited at the same time.

I was dressed in a black and red tuxedo with some spike wristbands and torn sleeves, which was traditionally what a Rock Troll would wear. I stood there with our server and Branch and Laguna at my side, which I was a bit nervous about. I know that he used to date Poppy before I did, so I was nervous what he thought of this wedding.

"You nervous?" he asked me.

"Yep," I said, "you okay with this?"

"Absolutely. It's your wedding, so I won't let my anger ruin it. Besides, I think Laguna and I are functioning better a lot more than me and Poppy were."

"The odds of this wedding being a hit are substantially high," Laguna chimed in, "and the same could be said of our own someday."

That made Branch blush and shut his mouth out of embarrassment.

Suddenly, the organ started playing, and the attendees all snapped to attention. This was it! It was finally happening!

I straightened myself up and brushed my Mohawk a bit for any fluff. I stood there, with my heart beating out of my chest, but I was ready for this. I asked her and she said yes; I wasn't backing down now.

The bridesmaids went out first. First Val, then Holly, then the Twins, and lastly Smidge, who all joined Branch and Laguna at their side.

Finally, Poppy came forward, and what I saw was...beautiful. She looked like she was an Angel that had lifted up my soul, and that whole time, I became lost in sight of her.

Then, when she arrived at the alter, I removed her veil, and she looked at me with a twinkle in her eye.

"Wow," I said, bewildered.

"Wow back," she said, elegantly.

The ceremony began after that, and it was a very grand one at most. The minister talked of the love and the bond between us, we said the vows, tears were shed, the usual shagrin. Of course, I was surprisingly the more teary one of the two of us, but that's because Poppy's was just so elegant like herself.

After the vows came the rings, and I could tell Poppy was as nervous as I was, but at the same time, she was just as certain.

Branch handed us the rings, and we each held one in our left hand.

"Queen Poppy, do you take Queen Barb to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold until death, so help you God?"

"I do," Poppy said, sliding the ring onto my finger.

"And Queen Barb, do you take Queen Poppy to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold until death, so help you God?"

"I do," I said, sliding my ring onto Poppy's finger.

"Then by the powers vested in me by this gathering, the tribe elders, and heaven above, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss the bride."

With that, we kissed for what felt like an eternity. It felt like we were lifting high off the ground, and that we were united as one beautiful chord.

After we broke the kiss, I lifted Poppy up bridal style and carried her to our flyer bug. We got on and threw our bouquets into the air for the next couple to be.

After that, Poppy and I jetted off on our flyer bug, off to our new home, as we heard the goodbyes of the crowd fade behind us.

"We are an unusual pair, you know?" Poppy asked me.

"I don't mind it," I said, feeling her warmth, "not one bit."

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