Start of a new day together

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After the fun challenge they did in the living room and getting cleaned up, Corpse and Y/n went to bed. They laid in each other's arms until morning. Y/n had woken up earlier than her boyfriend so she decided to do something nice as a thank you for filling with her. She kept on his over sized hoodie that she slept in and walked to the kitchen.

She looked through the cabinets and ended up finding pancake mixture. She smiled as she got everything ready. As she waited for the stove to heat up she went back to their now shared room to cheek if he was still asleep. To her surprise he was, she was happy that the man was getting a good rest. She quickly rushed back over to the kitchen to start making the pancakes. Y/n made sure not to be so loud. She didn't want to wake her lover from a nice rest.

After about a good 20 minutes of making pancakes she set them out on the table. She didn't know exactly how much he would want so she made a few. After putting all the plates in the sink she went back to the room. And again, he was still asleep. She went over and crawled onto the bed. Y/n then started to lay on top of him and give him small kisses on his face.

When she heard Corpse groan and suck in a breath she let out a laugh. She felt him place his hands on her waist and slightly grip onto them.

"Baby, what are you doiiing?" He asked with his eyes still closed.

"Trying to get you to come eat." Y/n simply stated as she pecked his lips.

"Y/n, it's too early for that. Didn't we do it like last night?" He asked as he sat up to look at his small girlfriend. Y/n placed her hand over her mouth as she started laughing.

"No! I made pancakes dummy!" She said as she rolled off him and stood next to him while he still laid in bed.

"Oh shit, I knew that." He said as he get out of bed.

"Oh yes for sure," Y/n said as she started laughing again. She then felt a firm smack on her rear.


"Quit laughing at me then," Corpse said with a smirk as he followed his girlfriend into the kitchen. He then hugged her from behind as they kept walking. Y/n smiled as she placed her hands on his.

"I need to go feed Rosalie, then I'll come and eat with you!" Y/n stated with a smile before she turned around and pecked her lovers lips before walking off to feed her pet. She ended up feeding her a piece of dragon fruit and giving her new water before waving at Rosalie with her finger.

"Bye bye my love, I'll check on you this afternoon." And with that Y/n dismissed herself and went to go eat breakfast with her boyfriend. As she skipped into the kitchen she saw Corpse eating his pancakes already.

"You made a lot," Corpse said with a laugh. Y/n smiled as she sat next to him and ate a piece of his pancake.

"Hey! Nooooo," He whined as he flicked her cheek. Y/n looked at him with wide eyes then rose her fists up. Corpse smiled and did the same before they started throwing fake punches at each other. Corpse then moved his hands down to her sides and started to tickle her.

"Ah!! Noooo! Back! I said back vile demon!" Y/n said as she ran into the living room. Corpse got up and started running after his lover.

"Princess, but I love you!" He said as she ran around the couch and picked up Y/n from behind. Y/b let out a laugh before she felt a familiar hand on her throat. Corpse leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"But if you steal my food again, there will be consequences." He said before dropping her on the couch. She sat in shock before Corpse chuckled and placed a kiss on her forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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