Confession and Fun

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"Rico, i'm going to shit myself. I think its happening right now, Rico I'm shitting!"

"Y/N! Don't be nasty. You're going to be totally fine." Rico said reassuringly.

"Rico, I could totally embarrass myself right now." Y/n stated. Before she could get another word out she heard the phone beep, signaling that Rico had hung up.

"Fuck you!" Just as Y/n was about to walk to the door she got a text.

Rico: Fuck you to.

Y/n only rolled her eyes before walking to the door. She was completely worn out through the whole day. All she really wanted t do was sleep. The girl pulled out the keys to the apartment and unlocked the door before walking inside. After locking the door back up  she went straight to her room and got dressed in a pair of shorts and a tee-shirt. She looked at herself in the mirror before deciding she was going to go take one of her roommates hoodies.

She knocked on Corpse's door before slightly opening it. She saw Corpse laying in bed scrolling through his phone. Once he saw the familiar short figure he smiled.

"Hey you, welcome back." He said with a smile. Y/n's face grew hot. How she adored that smile.

"Thanks, I just came to yoink one of your hoodies." Y/n explain before walking over to his closet. Corpse rolled his eyes playfully as he watched his roommate slide on the hoodie.

After placing on the hoodie Y/n flopped down on the bed and laid her head on Corpse's stomach and decided to go through her social media. The two always found each other like this when the other wanted company. Corpse didn't mind it at all.

Corpse opened instagram and started to record Y/n and zoomed into her face. Y/n looked up at him and realized what he was doing before letting out a small scream and turning around.

"No paparazzi please." She said before laughing. Corpse let out a laugh before speaking.

"She gets home from LA and she comes straight to my room for a hoodie and stays here. Whoever lost this weird looking cat please- please come pick it up." Corpse said with a laugh before Y/n turned around and flipped him off.

"Hey bad cat, bad." He spoke again before uploading the video to his story. Of course not before checking his face wasn't anywhere to be seen. Y/n moved to lay next to Corpse before taking his phone and placed it on his nightstand.

"Hey..can we talk" Y/n asked while she started to grow a bit nervous.

"Yeah, of course." Corpse said.

"Alright well, IreallylikeyounotlikeafriendwaybutaromanticwaybecauseIthinkyou'rereallycoolandawesomeandsmetimesIjustwannakissyousoyouknowhowmuchIloveyouandIreallywannabewithyoubutifyoudontwanttoitstotallyfineand-" Before Y/n could continue rambling she felt a large hand pull her by the back of her neck and soft lips on hers. She sat there for a while before sliding her hands behind Corpse's neck and kissing back. Her heart was racing and felt like it was about to explode.

After about a minute the two pulled back for air.

"Soo, does that mean you like me back?" Y/n asked with a smile.

"That was a confession? I kissed you to shut you up but, at least I know I didn't kiss you for nothing." Corpse said before chuckling. Y/n shook her head before leaning in again.

"Oh really? I think I need more confirmation." Y/n spoke with a smile.

"Yeah?" Corpse said with a cheeky smile. Y/n only hummed a response bore connecting her lips with his. Corpse slid his hand down to her waist and under her thigh before lifting it up onto his waist. Y/n smiled into the kiss before pulling back.

Polar Opposites {Corpse x Latina reader}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें