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lolipopkook Awwe look at them bonding 🥺

jk9719 @lolipopkook Stop shipping them, they're uncomfortable with it and it's ruining their friendship

wintertae @jk9719 They never said that lmao. Look at the location first

lovelytae @wintertae They're just joking, they are just close friends because best friends would act gay around each other since they're comfortable together. Seems like you're being delulu rn

gummy_yunie @lovelytae Babe what the fuck? We have no rights in saying they're just friends.

lolipopkook @jk9719 I'm sorry what? Yeah uncomfy, funny how you think friends can never date and I just said they were bonding. That doesn't mean I ship them 🙄

pin.babes You two are so cute 🥺

limjaekeyy Looking good 👀

sexc_minnie I almost fainted


My Notes;

Oop, drama?

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