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Both Jedi and Padme' left the Temple immediately and headed for the landing platform where the King's transport was going over the last maintenance and flight checks before departure. The shuttle ride over was marked by a strained and palpable silence in which Padme' knew that the younger Jedi believed she was responsible for. She caught him giving her a cold glance and after that kept her eyes on her feet for the rest of the ride to the landing platform.

When they reached the platform and disembarked from the shuttle, Padme' was relieved to find that Artoo was already there and she made her way over to the little droid. Padme' was greeted with a flurry of chirps and beeps.

At the landing ramp, Padme' saw Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan engaged in a heated discussion but the words were hidden from her. Using Artoo as a sort of cover, she edged closer to listen in.

"I mean no disrespect, Master. I am merely telling you the truth," Obi-Wan said, barley maintaining his composure.

"That is your point of view, Padawan," Qui-Gon intoned firmly back.

"That girl is dangerous and could be a threat, Master. The Council sees it. I see it. Why, for Force sake, can't you see it." Obi-Wan was losing the battle of calm.

"Padme's future has not been seen Padawan. It is merely clouded, not dangerous. That alone should be enough for you Padawan. And please, I have already asked you to call her by her name. Her name is Padme', not girl. Now get on board Obi-Wan!" Qui-Gon said before turning his back on the younger Jedi.

Obi-Wan, hurt by his master's dismissal, stalked off towards the transport and shot an angry glare at the girl as he passed her, before he entered the King's transport and disappeared down a separate corridor.

Padme' looked down. She didn't want to be the cause of a fight and she didn't want to be a problem. Qui-Gon turned to her then and Padme' walked over to him with her head bent down. Qui-Gon felt her distress and knelt down in from of her.

"I'm sorry if I caused that fight between you and Obi-Wan. I don't want to be a problem for you or start problems," Padme' apologized sadly, looking up when she had spoken.

"Oh, Padme' you're not the cause of this problem. Be sure of that, Paddy. Obi-Wan and I are having difficulties, yes, but not because of you. Now look, I'm not allowed to train you Paddy. But I want you to watch me. Be mindful of your situation and your surroundings. Always remember this Paddy, your focus determines your reality. Always. Stay close to me and you will be safe, I promise you." 

"Ummm. Can I ask you something, please?" Padme' asked. Qui-Gon nodded and Padme' felt some of her disappointment and anxiety melt away. Qui-Gon had been so much like a father to her in the last few days and she smiled at him.

"I was just wondering what midi-chlorians were? I kept hearing you and the other Jedi saying it and that I have a high concentration of them?"

Qui-Gon chuckled a little before he answered. "Midi-chlorians are a microscopic life-form and they reside within all living creatures. They are our connection to the Force. A person's midi-chlorian count determines their sensitivity to the Force. The midi-chlorians continually speak to us, telling us the will of the Force and they connect us to all living things.

"So you're sayin, they live inside my body? And that I have a high count of them," Padme' asked in confusion.

"Yes. They live inside your cells and we determine a midi-chlorian count by taking a blood sample from a potential Jedi," Qui-Gon explained to her with a small smile gracing his lips.

"A blood but... so that's what you did when yo finished cleaning the cut on my arm the night when I'd finished my pod racer?" Padme' asked inquisitively.

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