Arranged Marriage AU (2)

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*I'm so excited to write this AU. I hope y'all like it!

*Also if I didn't mention it, I'll say it here that Arthit in an optimist!

*Starts right after Arthit and Kong got married and now are back home


Arthit felt butterflies in his stomach by being in the room that belonged to Kongpob. The room had Kong's smell, it was warm, had gentle and positive vibes in it. The bed was cleanly maintained, the dressing room seemed well organized, the book shelves was neatly kept and the pictures were beautiful. Arthit was busy admiring all pictures and frames that he didn't notice that he has been alone in the room for almost an hour now. When he looked at the time he was confused. 'shouldnt Kong be here by now, he said he was going to talk to his cousins but he isn't back. Ahhh its fine I shouldn't be too clingy. hmm should I tell him that I have known him and loved him for almost 2 years now. He wont be creeped out right?! AHHHH so confusing!!!! I'll tell him, calmly maybe just maybe he will reciprocate these feeling. ahhhh~~ why do I feel so fuzzy~~ is this how love is supposed to feel!! But where is Kong it's been a while?' Arthit was busy with his self peep talk meanwhile outside Kong was close to losing his temper. 

"WHY DO I NEED TO BRING HIM TO MY PENTHOUSE!! I BOUGHT IT FOR ME AND MY LOVE NOT HIM!" Kong whisper yelled at everyone in the room. His Aunt, Uncle and cousins were there. 

"Calm down Kong, he is inside " May said

"Son listen-" Kong's Uncle said

"No you listen! I don't want him here why cant he live with my parents" Kong replied

"Child we cant execute our plan at your parents house" Kong's aunt spoke

"what plan?" Aim asked in confusion

"Plan to get them divorced in 3 months" Prae replied

"so whats the plan?" Oak asked

"I told you yesterday did u forget!" Prae yelled at him

"oh u did, well I have short term memory hhaha" Oak snickered

"Anyways, we cant be rude or mean to Arthit in your parent's house so its better we keep him here and execute the plan!" Kong's Uncle said

"mhm its easier to corner him here" Kong's Aunt spoke up "Also he seems introvert so he wont be running to others"

"ugh fine but only 3 months I wont tolerate him here anymore that" Kong said with anger clear in his voice

"yes yes whatever you say! now go in your room" Kong;s Uncle mentioned

"why? its not like its a proper marriage we don't need a first night" Kong said with an annoyed tone

"still u have to go in or else Arthit might call ur parents to ask where you are" 

"UHHHHH WHY AM I IN THIS MESS?!?!" Kong said in annoyance and finished his drink

"we will head out you should be rude to him and ask him to go to other room" Prae said

"if you are really trying to get him to hate you shouldn't you make him uncomfortable?" Oak said 

"you are right!" Kong said with a smirk "make him uncomfortable that's what I need to do! ok you all can leave I'll take it from here"

With this everyone left the house and Kong moved towards his room with an evil plan in his mind. 

As he opened the door to his room he saw Arthit standing near his book shelf, reading a book. 

He sighed and said "you shouldn't be touching things without permission" 

Arthit looked up and saw Kong walking in, he gave him a sweet smile and replied "oh sorry, I was just looking through your collection"

"whatever" Kong said with annoyance and moved get comfortable clothes from his wardrobe. 

"Are you tired? do u want anything to drink?" Arthit asked

"I'm fine" Kong said with no interest 

"Hmm ok! are you hungry, do u want me to qui-" 

"can you please leave me alone?!" Kong snapped at Arthit "you have been speaking ever since I walked in and its giving me a headache" 

"Im sorr-" Arthit wanted to apologize bt was cut mid sentence by Kong

"stop playing this innocent card when we are alone! its obvious why you married me, you want the fame. you are just another attention seeker with an innocent face" Kong spat 

"Th..that's not true. Kong I love you that's why I agreed to marry you" Arthit tried to explain

"HAH love! sure anyone will love me when they get this fame and money attached with it! AND don't you dare use Kong! that's for family" Kongpob said with anger and annoyance as he moved towards the washroom to shower "and this isn't your room, all the other rooms are occupied so you can use the sofa in game room, Ive kept your stuff there"

 WIth this Kong left the room, leaving a sad and confused Arthit. 'what just happened? he said I married him for fame and money. But that's not true' unknowingly a tear dropped from Arthit's eye 'ahh why am I crying, Kong just needs some time to accept this wedding. Yes yes I'll give him space and be a good husband and he will accept me! I love him, I'' make him feel my love, he just needs some time' Arthit wiped the tears that were falling and moved to the game room. 

(In shower)

'UGH why do I feel bad! NO NO DONT FEEL BAD FOR HIM! he is just here for money and fame, your love s waiting for you, you have to get to them as soon as you can so get rid of Arthit. I'm doing right! I'm doing this for the love of my life' Kong thought to shake away any feeling of guild that he had


(In game room)

"The sofa seems uncomfortable ahhh" Arthit whined "uhh its ok just a few days till Kong can accept me and then I can sleep with him!" 

Arthit took a warm shower and changed. He moved to lie down on the sofa, when he saw a notification pop up on his screen. 

Knott: 'when are you coming to work?'

Arthit: 'I took two weeks off, after that, why?'

Knott: 'nothing! enjoy your break! see you later'

Arthit: 'hmm msg me if there is smthn'

Knott: 'yea'

Arthit kept away his phone, and smiled looking at his wedding ring 

"I love you Kong"

(In bedroom)

Kong was on his bed and when he looked at his wedding ring he felt annoyed, anger and frustration

"I'll never love you Arthit"


*how was it?!

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