Arranged Marriage AU (3)

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*ok to clear things up: as said in intro, Kong isn't a mean person he is a really nice and warm person but he didn't want this marriage that's why he is being rude to Arthit. For Kong being rude is not answering someone or not being nice to them. So basically on their date before wedding, Kong was rude to Arthit that is Kong ignored him and was giving short answers for any question.



Arthit woke up at 9 in the morning. He didn't have the best sleep cause the sofa wasn't as comfortable but he did wake up with a big smile. He was ready to get up and make breakfast for his love. He quickly got up, took a shower and got dressed. Arthit then decided to call his mom and talk if she was ok. After their short chat, he decided to go cook breakfast. He entered the kitchen and looked around, all the stuff was kept in a well organized manner, 'hmm what else was I expecting from this clean freak hahah'. After finding some basic stuff, Arthit started making food for him and Kong. After half an hour, Kong walked out of his room and saw Arthit cooking. 

"Oh you r in the kitchen" Kong said with a yawn

"Mhm decided to make breakfast" Arthit replied 

"Hmm thanks I'll go shower" Kong said and moved inside his room 

'Hmm he was being nice to me! Well then it is a good morning' Arthit thought and continued making breakfast

'Wait was I being nice?! Ugh being rude is such a hassle I hate it already' Kong thought as he moved to get clothes

After showering Kong moved to sit on the dining table where food was already set 

"I'm not sure what u like so I made a few things" Arthit said with ashy smile 

"This is a lot wow" Kong said in a small voice but Arthit heard it "this should be fine" Kong said loudly and started eating. Kong really liked the food, it was to his taste but he thought praising the food might be being nice to Arthit so when Arthit asked how the food was, Kong replied "it's ok, it's eatable I guess" 

"Oh" Arthit replied with a frown 

"Uhh we need to go to a temple today, my parents asked us to go there, it's on countryside so prepare for a night out" Kong said 

"Sure sounds good, when r we leaving?" Arthit asked 

"In about two hours" 

"Hmm ok" Arthit said and continued eating

After eating both put their plates away and got ready for their trip to the temple. Arthit was excited while Kongpob was exhausted by thought of being along with Arthit. 


(in car to the temple)

"can we turn off the AC its too cold" Arthit asked

"oh yea- NO I'm hot let it stay on" Kong replied with a shout 

"oh ok, I never said you weren't hot" Arthit snikered

"huh..oh yea whatever" kong had a faint blush but waved it away

with little chats and Kong constantly ignoring Arthit  both reach the temple and do their business. After being done, they decide to go back home. But on way back home, their car suddenly stops. They both were confused and stepped out of the car. Kong moved to see if there was something wrong in the engine. 

"the fault is here" Arthit shouted as he saw a flat tire

"oh what UGH" Kong looked pissed

"we can fix it, there must be a spare tire in your car" arthit asked

"no don't have it, I used it last month and forgot to re stock it" Kong said

"huh?" Arthit was shook

"its fine we can call someon-" Arthit was gonna finish when he saw his phone "there is no reception here"

"what?! UHHH i knew i shouldn't have come here alone with u. Now im stuck in middle of nowhere" Kong sounded irritated which made Arthit sad

"I guess we spend the night here in the forest" Arthit said in a small voice

they were lucky to find a shelter in the forest. Arthit was happy he packed a few packets of chips and cookies which kept them from starving at night. 

"Do you like stars?" Arthit asked

"who doesn't like stars, they are beautiful" Kong answered 

"Right! but they are hard to see in the city" Arthit said with excitment, happy there was something they both liked "I wish I could see them more"

"hmm" Kong replied not being too intrested in the conversation and wanted to sleep. 

"Kong, can I ask you something?" Arthit said

"I told u not to call me Kong" Kong replied with irritation

"ahh right sorry Kongpob, I - " Arthit replied 

"whatever! what were u saying?" Kong said

"are you not happy with this wedding? if u need time we can start by being frien-" Arthit couldnt finish when Kong held his arm and turned him so they were facing each other

"Yes im not happy with this wedding, I will never be happy with someone like you" anger laced Kong's voice "because of u mom and dad refused to give me more time to find my love" Kong's hold on Arthit's arm tightened "Because u bewitched them with your charm, its all your fault" 

"Kongpob I didn-" 

"SHUT UP" Kong's eyes were dark in anger and didnt want to hear another word "just know this that you will never be someone I love NEVER"

He let go off Arthit and went inside the room leaving a heart broken Arthit under beautiful stars.

Tears fell down Arthit's face as he fell on the floor with relization sinking in that his love story will never happen. His love will never love him back.

On the other side Kong was anger, but also sad as he still has no clue where his love was. 


*I took too long to post didnt I, I forgot my password and also my phone broke down so i forgot about this book for a while

*anyways let me know how u liked it!


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