Gundham Tanaka x Dying! reader

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   Authors note: This is set inside the killing game. Also there wont be any spoilers of character deaths this is a completely new story so don't worry about ruining the game for yourself if you haven't played/watched the whole thing. Enjoy!

(Y/N)= Your name 

(L/N)= Last name

(Y/T)= Your  ultimate talent

Your P.O.V

I sit on the sand watching the ocean and the sun set, it was truly beautiful outside it almost looked to pretty to be real. I sighed and started to run my hands threw the sand, Two murders have already happened and I am scared that I would be next. As I was thinking my thoughts got interrupted by a low voice. 

"Ah (Y/N) what is a mortal like you doing here at a time like this?" 

I turn around to see Gundham, arms crossed, his hair loose, and the Four Dark Devas on his shoulders.  

"Oh Hi Gundham! Nice to see you here I was just watching the sunset wanna join me?" you ask 

"O-oh sure why not I suppose I could take a break." Gundham said blushing 

Gunham took a seat beside you and stared at the sun and asked,

"I sense that something is wrong, please tell me, whats on your mind?"

"You could tell? well I guess I am just worried about another killing happening I am scared I'll be the next victim." You say on the verge of tears 

"You mustn't worry my dark flower I will protect you with my life, I would never let something as much as a paper cut harm you."  He replied 

"D-dark flower?" 

"Yes, (Y/N) you are my dark flower, you mean so much more to me than the other Mortals on this island." 

"Thank you, that means a lot." 

You slide over beside him and hug him tightly. Gundham tensed up but slowly hugged you back once relaxing. 

You two spent the rest of the night talking and learning more about each other before Monomi kicked you off the island saying that it was too late and that you needed rest, You waved Gundham goodbye and headed back to your cottage but before you could you heard a crack. You turn around but see no one, confused you decided to keep on walking that was until a hand grabbed you and put a hand over your mouth.

"Don't make a sound or your dead." You heard them say

You started to cry but kept your mouth shut. 

"Oh god I can't believe I'm doing this." Your kidnapper said 

You felt a sharp pain going threw your stomach and you instantly knew you were stabbed, You screamed in pain and started to cough up blood, you fell to the floor passing out because of blood loss, 

Gundham's POV

I woke up to the sound of the morning Monokuma announcement and felt some sort of uneasiness, my heart hurt but I brushed it off and walked to the hotel to get some breakfast but before I did I walked up to my Dark flowers cottage and rang the door bell."


I rang it again wondering if they were still asleep.


Worried I knocked on the door and tried to open the door and it opened. 

"Dark flower are you in here or did you go get breakfast without me?"

No response 

"Well I guess your in the dinning hall I shall meet you there." 

I then left the room and headed to the dinning hall.

No ones Pov

  Gundham walked inside the hall and saw everyone but (Y/N) 

"Did (Y/N) just decide to skip out on breakfast? lameee breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" Akane said shoveling food inside her mouth 

" are they not with you Gundham?" Chiaki asked tilting her head to the side with a worried expression

"No, I assumed My dark flower was here eating with you other mortals." Gundham said now worried 

"Well lets go look for her then." Hajime said walking outside the dinning hall 

The search lasted a while and no one found anything until Gundham heard, 

"Ding Dong Bing Bong! A body had been discovered, After a certin amount of time which you can use how ever you'd like the class trial will begin!" 

"No it cant be right?" Gundham said running over to where the others were 

"Someone hold Gundham back if he see's this he'll freak and wont let us get to the bottom of this case." Fuyuhiko said to Nekomaru 

"Sure thing" Nekomaru replied 

Gundham tried to run past them but was stopped when Nekomaru grabbed him and held him still.

"It would be better if you didnt investigate this time Gundham." he said 

"Let me go this instant mortal I want to see who has passed." Gundham said calmly even though he was panicking. 

"I am afraid I can't do that." 

"The only person that you would hold be back for.. would be... No.. NO ...NO... No way." Gundham said as he felt a rush of fear and worry take over him 

"No its..I- Just go see for yourself Gundham I am always here If you want to talk."

Nekomaru then let go of Gundham and watched as he ran into the murder scene.

"Poor guy." Nekomaru thought." 

Gundham ran into the room and watched as the whole world slowed down. he saw your body laying on face down on the floor multiple stab wounds in your back, neck and leg area. He felt the tears start to fall down his face as the collapsed down in front of your now deceased body holding it close to him hugging you tightly rocking you back and forth. 

"This isn't real....this isn't real....this isn't real...." Gundham repeated over and over again 

He then picked up your body bridal style and tried to leave. 

"Gundham what are you doing? We need to investigate the body and find out who did this crime." Hajime said a hit of sadness in his voice 

"Yeah man c'mon put them down and take a break you dont need to do anu investigating this trial just take a moment and collect yourself." Kazuichi said. 

"No, I will never let any of your filthy hands touch my beloved I will figure out who did this unforgivable crime myself without you guys." He replied 

"You know we cant let you do that, we all need to do it alright Gundham? all of us will leave the room and let you have time to have your last moments with them and mourn is that okay?" Sonia said worried 

"Y-yes please..." he said 

Everyone then left the room and left Gundham alone with you. 

"Why did you leave me dark flower?" Gundham said with a shaky voice 

"I loved you so much and I never got to tell you and now your gone? No I wont believe it, I Cant believe it.

"Just know I will never find someone as great and as perfect as you, Look after me from heaven alright? I love you so much and goodbye my Flower." 

I hope you all enjoyed please let me know who you'd like me to do next, As you could tell it is gender neutral so if you want a specific gender please feel free to ask Thanks for reading :) 

Danganronpa x Dying! reader oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora