Kokichi x Dying! reader

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A/N: Hey Yall I am sooooo Sorry for the late upload I feel so bad for taking so long T_T But I now promise I will try to post once a week! hopefully.. Anyways, This story was requested by @ The_True_Survivor ! Thank you  <3 

<<<This has MEGA spoilers to Danganronpa 3's 3rd murder so if you havent played I dont suggest reading! Enjoy!!!>>>

This is gender neutral!

Y/N= Your Name 

U/T= Your Ultimate talent 

N/N= Nickname 


"Y/N-ieeeeeeeeeee I put a trap near the door be careful Nihihihihihi!!!" 

"Okay thanks for telling me!" I smile at him 

Kokichi and I were currently on the 4th floor putting up pranks and traps for all of the others we have trapped one of the 3 identical rooms so far and Kokichi is going a little overboard... 

"Any way, Don't you think we put to many traps in here? we should space it out between the 3 rooms." 

"Orrrrrrr we could just put them all in Korekiyo and Angies reaserch labs Nihihi that would be funny!"

"Yeah sure we can set up a few, we can do whatever you'd like" I smile at him 

"We can do what I want huhhh~? Welllllll If I am being honest you are looking a little hot in that shirt you should take it off.. If you want."

"W-what? Shut up you panta loving dork." 

"It was a lieee but geez your so rude it makes me wanna cry." he said with "tears" in his eyes 

We made our way across the hall to Korekiyo's research lab and opened the door. 

"Wow! its so boring in here! I already knew Korekiyo was boring but you'd think he'd put more work into it- Ooooo Sword!" Kokichi said as he ran over to the sword. "Lets use this for one of our pranks!" 

"H-Hey I'm all up for some casual pranks but I don't want to seriously injure someone!" 

"Mehhhh your no fun, whatever lets do something else." 

After setting up a couple of traps we make our way to Angie's Lab while walking we heard a weird noise,

"Hey do you hear that? it sounds like someone if cutting wood." 

"Nope I don't hear a thing lets get back to work now N/N!" Kokichi sang 

"Yeah... Sure ..." I said looking at the door the sound was coming from. 

"Come onnnnnnnnnnnn your making me wait I don't like waiting!" Kokichi wined pulling my arm.

"Are you sure you didn't hear anything? I am being serious Kokichi..."

"Maybe its a murderer!" I said trying to sound scary

"Yeah right" I laugh nervously 

After walking for a while we finally made it to Angies lab, we set up a couple of pranks outside and then peeked inside the door, 

"Is she in there?" I ask 

"I can't see her lets go in!" 

We walk in and instantly get greeted by Ryoma, Kirumi, Rantaro and Kaede staring at us, I let out a small scream 

"Ahh! I thought they were dead!" why are they alive?!" I say trying to catch my breath 

"Ohhh~ They are wax figures N/N! Look at them arent they cool?! Nihihihii, look I am Ryoma blehhh death... Jail... tennis blehhhh" He said pretending to be Ryoma 

Danganronpa x Dying! reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now