Fuyuhiko x Dying! reader

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A/N: I AM SO SORRY! I tried to write this ff So many times but I was assigned so many bloody assigments over the past 2 weeks so I couldnt even finish this and I am sorry I wont make promises I cant keep but I promise you that this book wont end unless I say so! anywho this story was requested by the great, the amazing, the beautiful @Gorgeous_Genius Thank youu! Also this has spoilers to the first 2 deaths of the game so if you havent played dont read!! 

TW/// Swearing!!!!!!!

Y/N= Your name

U/T= your ultimate talent

You were walking down the island's beach holding hands with your new boyfriend Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, surprisingly he was the one to ask you out, you could still remember his tomato red face and how much he stuttered while asking you out. "Adorable" you thought to yourself while chuckling a little. 

Now the both of you were dating only for about a week though and in that time Fuyuhiko's best friend Peko had been executed leaving him devestated which was why you took him out for a walk on the beach, thinking about their deaths and the sick and twisted game you were forced into made you want to throw up, You couldn't imagine killing someone let alone being executed for someone else's pleasure. Shaking your head you sat down on the beaches sand and sighed.

"Are you okay?" Fuyuhiko asked nuzzling his head into your shoulder, ever since Peko died he became more clingy and protective over you which you found cute. 

"Yeah I'm just a bit tired I didn't sleep well last night." You responded while yawning 

"You can sleep if you wanna I don't mind I'll wake you up when I wanna leave." He replied 

"Sounds good to me, good night." You say kissing his cheek making him blush

"Y-yeah goodnight idiot." He said 



I wake up to the morning announcement and I stumble out of bed and put on my favorite clothes, Then I start to walk to the dinning hall where Akane, Nekomaru, Chiaki, Hajime and Hiyoko sat. I looked around trying to Fuyuhiko but he wasnt there.

"Looking for the shitty gangster?" Hiyoko said with a bit of annoyance in her voice. She still couldn't forgive Fuyuhiko for what he did to Mahiru. I sighed,

"Yeah, do you know where he is?"

"Dont know dont care ask someone else bitch." She responded 

"Hey! don't be rude to them, I think he is still in his cottage." Hajime said 

"Thanks Hajime! I'll be off now bye!" 

"Hey aren't ya gonna eat something?" Akane asked while stuffing her face with food

"I'll eat after I find Fuyuhiko, see ya!" I wave 

I start to walk to the cottages but I couldn't shake off this weird feeling I was having, "He isn't hurt is he?" I thought to myself while walking a bit faster to his cottage, after I arrive I knock slowly on his door still a bit worried.

"What do you want- oh hi Y/n!" he said, I start to laugh his hair was a mess and his clothes were all wrinkled and messy.

"Did you sleep in your suit last night?" I ask him trying to hold in my laughter.

"Yeah I did, Wait are you laughing at me?" 


"You are! Just give me a second wait outside for me." He said 

Danganronpa x Dying! reader oneshotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu