Scorpy walked in

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His eyes were black as she moved over him, her fingers digging into his shoulders with each sway of her hips. It had been far too long since she'd felt him like this: beyond a hushed bedroom, where time ceased to exist beyond the pace of her breaths. A sharp thrust had her gasping, her neck stretching and eyelids fluttering to watch candlelight dance across the ceiling. His hands moved to her waist, guiding her in a new rhythm as she moaned, his low curses drowned out by the sound of water lapping against porcelain.

A door creaked. "Daddy?"

Hermione yelped and fell off her husband.



Her cheek smacked against Draco's knee as they both dived for cover, water splashing across the tiles.

She peered over the edge of the tub once her legs found purchase, ignoring Draco's groan when she kicked him in the shin.

Their three-year old blinked up at them with owlish hazel eyes. "Mummy? Daddy?"

"Scorpy." Hermione winced at the stinging in her tailbone. "You're up, darling. You should go back to bed–"

"What're youw doing?"

"Oh, we were just–" Draco throat bobbed, his face ashen. "We were–"

"Playing. We were playing." Hermione forced a smile. "Like you and Cassie used to do in the bath when you were little. Love, you should go back to–"

"But where're youw toys?"

"Here!" Draco scrambled to grab a shampoo bottle. Hermione glared at him. "It's– a special toy, it only works when you close your eyes–"

Scorpius's little features furrowed in a frown. "I come back."

And then he was toddling outside the way he came.

"Shit!" Draco lurched to standing, but Hermione yanked him back down.

"Don't! If you leave he'll know we were lying!"

"Granger, I can't just sit here and act normal when our son just–"

"He doesn't know what he just saw, and he won't if you'd just quiet–"

"I told you to lock the door! Why didn't you bloody–"

"Where's my wand? We need more bubbles!"

"Traumatized him for life–"

"Shut it!"

There was a painful silence until they heard the sounds of small footsteps shuffling across their bedroom carpet. The door pushed open wide again.

"Hewe! Ducky!" said Scorpy, waving the rubber duck above his head.

He trotted over to them as Draco clapped a hand over his face and Hermione dipped even lower beneath the rim.

"Ooh– thank you so much, my wee baby." She forced a smile as she snatched the toy. "Now that Mummy and Daddy have their proper bath toys, will you go back to bed?"

Scorpy beamed up at her. "Okay."


HEY EVERYONE!! THIS ONE-SHOT IS WRITTEN BY @ raven-m-3 and inspired by @ Kumatan0720 on Tumblr. Plzzzzzzzzz give me ideas and I know that the competition idea did not work out so, as soon as I receive a story I will give a shout-out to a person and if I don't have any idea I will not update this story.

Love, Emma


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