Book Cravings

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"How's mione" Asked Ron

"She's fine" Draco answered simply

" So....... why are we sitting in the Library???" asked Harry

"Oh! nothing just waiting for 'mione" Answered Draco

" But Why ???? You just said that she is FINE!" Blaise Whisper-shouted

" You'll see" Draco smirked " 3.....2.......1" 

On the entrance of the Malfoy Manor Library there stood a heavily pregnant hermione with 2 chocolates in her hands.

" Sorry, did we we wake up you up" Harry asked apologetically

" Oh! no, not at all" She yawned and looked over to the shelves

"Which book are you craving tonight??" Asked draco and hugged her behind

Hermione picked a book and sat on the sofa while cuddling with draco. While the two were busy the boys sat there dumbfounded.

"What do you expect, she is hermione granger" Said ron and all of them started laughing while the two lovebirds were sleeping on each other.


Hi Guys!!!!

I know it's been tooooooooooo long and I have a reason for that:

My exams are coming up and these exams are VERYYYYYYYY important so I may not update regularly.

BTW... Happy St. Valentine's Day if you wanna give me ( single-pringle ) a gift, Please give me requests as I am co

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