The poppy crown

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( Norma is their daughter in this one-shot )

"Granger, you can't be serious."

Hermione hid a laugh. "Sit up and put the crown on, Draco. He made it for you."

"Mumma, look!" Norma rocked her head, both hands holding her flowers in place.

"Yes, darling, I see. Scorpius made you a lovely crown. Did you see that he made one for Daddy too?"

"On!" The children chorused. "On, on!"

"Daddy will absolutely put his crown on." She patted Draco's chest, grinning at his narrowed eyes. "Won't he?"

Draco stared at her, slowly lifting one brow. "I promised a picnic. I provided a picnic. Poppy crowns were not part of the deal."

"I believe our marriage vows included eternal happiness, a contented wife, and delighted, laughing children?"

"You're a vicious liar, Mrs Malfoy." Draco wrinkled his nose at her and turned his head to smile at his son. His pretend irritation faded immediately, his face softening. "For me? Thank you."

Scorpius dropped the poppy crown haphazardly onto his face and shrieked with giggles.

Draco tipped his head, the crown dangling over one eye, and looked at his wife. "The things I do for this family."

Hermione smiled, squeezing his hand. "You do everything for us, Draco. You always will."


Well, I love @kumatan0720's drawings so, I picked this drabble from tumblr by @willhavetheirtrinkets. I may write more chapters today 


Emma <3

I also promised to leak my email ID. 

Here it is⬆️

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