Author's Note

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After over a year, right before 2021, Trochilidae has finally ended.

So, before I officially end this story, I would like to talk about this story a little bit more, as well as why I decided that the ending would turn out like this.

But, before that, I would like to ask you this question. A question that has been unanswered in the story.

Does Beomgyu love Yeonjun back? Yes or no? I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.

If you want to see my answer to this, I suggest that you keep on reading.

So, first of all, I would like to talk about the ending of the story. After all of those hopeful scenes and the angst, why is it that Beomgyu's life had ended? Okay, so let me tell you this. This story was heavily inspired by the movie, 'The Big Fish'. It's an old movie so if there's anyone who wants to watch that, I suggest that you skip this part if you want to avoid spoilers.

Anyway, here come the spoilers.

So basically, the last scene of the movie is when the son tells his dying father a story. Basically a story of how his life will end. Notably, the scenes have some resemblance with the scenes in Chapter 10, but of course, I tried my best to put my twist in it. His dad also mentions wanting to become a big fish or something like that (I'm typing this from memory by the way), so at the end of the story that his son told him, he gets lowered to a lake and he becomes a big fish. In 'Trochilidae', of course, Beomgyu turns into a hummingbird.

Now, to be honest, I didn't watch the whole movie. But, as I said, the ending was heavily inspired by the ending of the movie because after his son finished the story, the father dies in satisfaction.

For some reason, I really liked how that movie ended and so I came up with this story, Trochilidae.

Now, this is a non-spoiler free zone.

Honestly, though, there isn't really anything else for me to say about this story. After a few hiatuses here and there, juggling my books around, I'm just so happy that I finally finished it.

Oh, and another thing, I think I'm known for my angsty stories so let me tell you why this story is angsty.

In this story, I wanted to try writing about someone who doesn't deserve to be in so much pain but ends up suffering anyway. To be honest, in reality, not all stories are as happy as they seem. However, I do have this belief that every story has a happy ending. It's not always about finally ending up with your true love, but it's sometimes about the things that you've achieved in that story. You just have to look at the different perspectives.

Now, last but not least (before this gets way too long), let me tell you the answer to the previous question.

The answer is, I don't know.

Beomgyu pretty much left all of us in a cliffhanger with whether or not he loved Yeonjun back. However, there's a reason why he didn't say anything and just smiled. So, think of it this way. If he loved Yeonjun back, then Yeonjun would be in so much grief because he would feel so stupid to not have told him sooner. Now, if he didn't love Yeonjun back, then Yeonjun would probably still feel so bad about himself. So, to Beomgyu, the only way for Yeonjun to not be as hurt as he would when he goes was to not respond and to just smile.

In other words, it's up to you to decide whether or not Beomgyu loves Yeonjun as well.

Anyway, that's about it for Trochilidae! I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Now with this out of the way, I can now work on my other books and, if you're interested, I suggest that you check it out.

I purple you all! <3

IPurpleSmeraldo 2020

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