Chapter 6: Hummingbirds

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"That, over there, looks like a teddy bear!"

I looked over to the cloud that Beomgyu was pointing at and visualized the figure that he was seeing.

"Oh, I see it!" I pointed over to the teddy bear-shaped cloud as well, tracing the air with the tip of my finger. "It does look like a teddy bear."

"—That is about to be eaten by a crocodile! Rawr!" Beomgyu made the shape of the crocodile with his hand, matched it with the cloud above, and shut the crocodile's mouth closed, dramatically eating the poor teddy bear.

We burst out into fits, especially me who found Beomgyu's supposed impression of a crocodile to be rather humorous. "Is that how crocodiles are supposed to sound like?" I questioned, raising a brow at him. "Because I'm pretty sure that crocodiles don't roar like cats."

"That's the thing! The roars of crocodiles are terrifying!" Beomgyu defends, "I don't know and I don't care if my roars don't sound like scary reptiles. I'd rather have an adorable-sounding little crocodile than a menacing one! Like this, Rawr!!" He shaped his hand to a crocodile again and playfully 'bit' my arm, pretending to chomp it down and eat it.

I couldn't help but let out a belly laugh from his adorableness, with Beomgyu joining the laughter seconds later. Turning my gaze away from him, I looked back up at the beautiful blue sky with a euphoric smile plastered on my face, taking in the beauty of the wonderful scenery painted before us.

On this beautiful Saturday morning, Beomgyu and I decided to go out to a nearby field to lie across the grass and to watch the clouds go by. To be frank, it was occasional for us to do something like this—not that there was anything special today—but it was just one of those days when we felt the need to have a time out from everything that's been going on with our lives. To just relax and to take a breather for a moment.

Briefly closing my eyes, I inhale the fresh air through my nose and let out an exhale of sweet relief. There was something about today that felt so, perfect. Maybe it was because of the fact that I had a good night's sleep last night. Maybe it was because I had a good morning today. Or maybe it was because today was one of those days when I'm in the mood of feeling carefree and free-spirited. Any other way, I couldn't be any more grateful to have this opportunity of feeling free and relaxed for a moment, especially after dealing with my stressors for these past months ever since the start of the school year.

Other than the pleasant atmosphere that surrounded us, being with Beomgyu, spending time with him in this relaxing and relieving moment just added to the perfection of it. Him, being with me, was like the cherry on top of this stress-free morning.

And honestly, I don't think it can get any better than this.

"Curious question," Beomgyu spoke, breaking the silence between us, "how was school yesterday?"

"Well," I rolled my eyes to one side, thinking, "it's fine. It wasn't as stressful as other school days but it was rather entertaining." I placed my hands on my stomach. "Our teacher, who handled the class before lunch, had a meeting so since we weren't given any seatwork—and literally the only message that was relayed to us from her was to study—we decided to pass the time by following Just Dance videos on Youtube."

I stifled a chuckle just by thinking about it. "Chan, you know him, instead of following the exact moves, he was dancing like it was choreographed just for Michael Jackson. I even tried to go against him and we ended up having a dance battle."

"So, who won?"

I shrugged noncommittally with a pout. "I guess we didn't really pick the winner. Although, what I could say is that the dance battle ended with a pile of laughter, especially since Chan and Minhyuk had resulted to do a diss battle after the latter mentioned that he was a better dancer. It wasn't Minhyuk's wisest decision."

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