Chapter 1- The Chopsticks Confusion

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Nyx jolted upright in her bed as she realized her muggle alarm had been trying to tell her that she was going to be late for the train to Hogwarts. Lazily walking to the clock so its maddening sounds could stop, she tripped over a book that was left lying on the ground. It was a norm for things to be laying everywhere in her room, she was a disgrace to her family, though she never fully understood why, she didn't choose to be put into Gryffindor and even so, her parents forbade anyone to clean her room, they said it was one of her punishments for "being sorted into the most lowliest house" as her father, Lucius said to her, or rather screamed at her. There was rarely a time she got along with her parents, they had different views from her and sometimes, no matter how hard you try, those views don't change.
Her bedroom was wasteful, she only ever slept at the Malfoy Manor when her parents required her to. Her mother always wanted her to stay at the manor for the entirety of the summer, something about "family bonding" Narcissa would say when Nyx asked her. Her room was an overwhelming color of white, she had white walls, white pillows, two white dressers, a white marble floor with a white fuzzy rug and a white bed. Her room had a stretch of floor then a king size canopy bed was laid on top of a white rug, surrounded by windows in an oval-like shape. She now loathed the color white. There were curtains tied to the sides of the wall, she could close them if she wanted to, but it wouldn't make sense because they were white lace curtains and therefore, would not prove useful.
The book that had delayed her eardrums from working was none other than The Standard Book of Spells by Miranda Goshawk. She must've left it at the manor from last year she thought, no need for the book anymore, Nyx walked over to her bathroom and threw it in the trash. Her bathroom was as luxurious as her bedroom, it was equipped with a large amount of counter space that she had no need for, a marble sink, and a massive tub was at the end of her bathroom. The tub had jets and a skylight above it, she liked to use the bath whenever she was forced to come to the manor, Nyx liked looking up at the stars at night, overthinking her entire existence, thinking about if things could've been different, nervous for the future and freaking out about what she would do in the future. Looking at anything never really seemed to help Nyx calm down, it was more like looking at nothing helped her calm down, or if one of the twins were with her they would help her calm down. She often had panic attacks and struggled with mild anxiety, even though she doesn't look like it, she's learned how to cover it up over the years with the help of therapists and friends.
After turning off her alarm she got dressed into some baggy ripped denim jeans, a black turtle neck with an oversized white tee-shirt over it that said 'I'm a bad bitch, I'm a cunt. And i'll kick that hoe' in pink bubble lettering. She added a lock necklace,some plain rings along with a pair of dice earrings. Hunched over, she packed the rest of her trunk, throwing some unfolded robes and ties into it along with some outfits she could wear on the trips to Hogsmeade.
"Ms. Malfoy, your parents and brother are waiting for you downstairs to leave for the train, would you like me to take your trunks into the carriage for you?" The new house elf Tilly asked her,she was the Lestranges house elf but since the Lestranges didn't need her, they told Tilly she was the Malfoy house elf now. Nyx always thought that house elves were poorly treated, she felt sympathy for them and tried to make their jobs easier any way she could. Tilly was nicer towards Nyx since Nyx treated her as an equal, so Tilly helped Nyx out as often as she could without getting caught.
"Yes Tilly, that would be lovely, thank you for informing me of my dreadful family and their impatience towards me, I'll make sure to keep them waiting longer". She replied with a small snicker, high fived Tilly and made her way to her walk in closet and grabbed a pair of black pumps, along with her favorite pair of platform doc martens. She not so graciously put on her Doc Martens, squeezing her foot inside, re-lacing the boots, and then zipping it up. Still having time to spare and make her family wait a little longer, she started practicing her magic, not that she had to, she was top of her class and was an extremely powerfully witch for her age, wandless magic came easier to her than most.
Having felt she made her family wait long enough, she trudged out of her room and made her way down the grand stair case, contemplating sliding down it just to piss off her parents even more. Lucius and Narcissa were waiting near the front door, along with a bored looking Draco. They looked like they were about to attend a funeral, wearing all black, each and every one of them, souring the very air they breathed.

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