Chapter 2- The Carriage Conversation

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(I will try to do both a Nyx and Fred POV at some point once I get more into the story but for now its third person)


The three of them walked down the platform to the carriages, they found one that was empty and hulled their trunks into it. It was just the three of them in the carriage until Lee and Angelina saw and joined them.

"So, have you guys heard?" Lee excitedly asked everyone in a way that sounded like he knew everything, as if he knew something huge that none of them didn't.

"Heard what?" George and Fred said at the same time. Intrigued with what Lee had to reveal, they sat at the edge of their seats, waiting for his reply.

"Curiosity killed the cat" Nyx thought of, something a muggle told her when she was out on one of her 'morning muggle' runs. Something she did when she didn't want to think of magic or the magic community. Pretending she was a muggle. Ever since she turned 17 in August, she would aparate into the muggle area, making sure she wasn't seen and then run. Like a normal. son of a bitch. muggle. She would run for hours, glorifying in the wind and being drenched in the sun, feeling like nothing could stop her, not even time itself. Feeling as if the world had stopped but none of it was mattering because she felt pure freedom, as though she had been released from chains and just now realizing it.

"Oh. Well.....there's talk about the Tri-Wizard Tournament and it being held at Hogwarts this year!" Lee announced like it wasn't a big deal at all, causal talk even.

"As much as I love a good Tri-Wizard Tournament. Wasn't it, forbidden, canceled, done, gone, no where to be found, never played again? Because of all the death and violence that came out of it?" Nyx asked curiously.

"Supposedly, Dumbledore wanted to reinstate it so all of us could learn and experience other cultures, not to mention the people and students we would meet and possibly become friends with." Lee stated matter-of-factly

"Wicked!" The twins said in unison again.

'Do they have an age limit? Seems like they might have one, don't want no first years dying on us do we now?" .George asked and then answered himself. He sounded like a giddy school boy who just found out he was getting his favorite truck for his birthday.

"Yeah right George". Angelina scoffed. "They definitely want first years to play in a brutal game that was originally banned because of how savage it was" She sarcastically added.

"What do you think the age minimum will be? I hope its 16, I would be bloody pissed off if I wasn't able to at least enter, or imagine if they just let 7th years do it!" Fred vented to the group, obviously wanting to participate in the tournament if it was actually happening.

"Would you guys actually do it? I mean, hypothetically of course, we don't even know if it's going to happen or not! This could be some lie Lee's trying to spread around" Nyx asked cautiously, not wanting it to seem like she didn't think they could do it,but not wanting them to get their hopes up if it was a lie.

"Well, when there's a tournament" George started in a knowingly tone. "There's a prize" Fred finished.

"What would you guys use the money for,if the prize was money we're assuming and not just some trophy? And that's only if you win". Angelina asked the twins.

"What would we use the money for?" Fred echoed back and then looked up at the castle as they were getting closer, thinking about the question. "Well that's a secret we'll never tell" He finally answered, seeming pleased with himself and his answer.

"Come on guys, seriously? You're not going to answer the question?" Lee questioned, disappointed with their answer and curious to know what they would really use it for.

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