Chapter 3- The Dining Hall Disaster

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(A/N: I'm extremely sorry for the super super late update but I've been busy and super unmotivated but i think i finally got my motivation back so here's a chapter)
Third Person POV:

Everything was pretty much normal, Fred seemed off sometimes, Nyx catched him staring at her from time to time, all the time. He would always seem to be next to her whether it be in class, the great hall, or the common room. She felt that something had changed in Hogwarts energy (or as the twins would say: 'Hogwarts vibe') but couldn't put her finger on what, she figured it was just the Tri-Wizard tournament or the fact that there would be no Quidditch this year and many were just bummed out about it.
Other than that,it was like any other year for the most part. The great hall was glittering with excitement, who could it not? Today was the day they chose the Tri-Wizard champions.
As expected, the twins were still bitter about the age limit, they even attempted to make an aging potion. After jumping over, past the age line Dumbledore drew around the Tri-Wizard cup, they thought they had successfully made it past and were in the clear. Unfortunately, as soon as the slips with their names fell into the Goblet of Fire, they were flown backwards by the magic of it and then proceeded to fight each other as identical grandpas. A whole crowd had surrounded them chanting:

"FIGHT HIM FIGHT HIM FIGHT HIM". All of them pounding their fists against an invisible wall, even Ron joined in.

They were only separated because of a teacher breaking them apart, oblivious of the fact that sibling fights never counts as school fights or abuse because you're related, its like beating up your Grandma, it's perfectly fine. Okay, that was a bad example but everyone knows its normal for siblings to fight, verbally....or physically. Its a rite of passage really.
For Nyx, it was an enchanting sight. One that she will never let them forget because she constantly reminds them of it at any given moment any given day. Fred thought it was adorable how she laughed when recalling the recent memory, her dimples made a short appearance and her eyes seemed to glow with happiness. Her laugh, oh god, her laugh he thought. It was like a masterpiece of notes being strung into different tunes at different times, yet they all seemed to merge together to make an euphoric sound that made his heart pulverize when hearing the sound of it.
Nyx sat down at the Gryffindor table has the twins sat down in unison next to her. Fred on her right and George on her left. The chattering that filled the great hall was overcrowded with excitement, anxiety, fear, and overall suspense. Everyone wanted to know who would represent whose school and if they had the guts to do it. Some people were made fun of for not putting their name in even though they were of age. Nyx felt sympathetic towards them because they had to recognize in themselves that they would not be able to undergo the strenuous environment of being a champion. She was mostly indignant towards people who teased or shamed them for not entering, scaring them off (after all, she was a Malfoy. She knew how to manipulate and fill people will fear easily) and then helping the bullied student by carrying their books, offering to go to Hogsmeade together, homework help, etc. She liked helping people, it was one of the many things her parents despised about her. Although, sometimes after scaring the bully off. The victim would think she would now tease them all because she was a Malfoy. Nyx often wished that she could just cut 'Malfoy' off her name with scissors.

"So who do you think will get picked for the tournament?" George started the conversation with.

"I dont know. really, it's completely random I heard so I think whoever gets picked will represent our school to the best of her,his, or their abilities. Besides, we are gonna find out in a few minutes so shush while Dumbledore makes his speech." Nyx shushed George and slapped her hand over his mouth and glared at him, letting him know that if he didn't shut up, she would raise hell even higher on him. That's when he did the most predictable thing. He licked her hand. She expected this of course and had made sure to put a delayed burning spell sigil on her hand that gave the sensation of burning to anything that touches her hand besides herself of course. It was nothing fatal at least, it wouldn't hurt that much. Plus it'll be fun to watch George suffer. Nyx had a problem with laughing at the wrong time. A lot of the time. One time someone told her that their brother had died and she bursted out laughing. She couldn't help it. Literally, she found it the most hilarious thing in the world.

"Come on Nyx, we all know that you love us. You couldn't pawwsibly hurt us. (I've been watching Miraculous sorry not sorry)And you wouldn't dream of trying to prankus since we're the Kings of Pranks". Fred butted in and puffing his chest out a little to appear superior to her.

A King? Puh-lease. Who is he kidding. Nyx announced to her empty, echoing mind.

"I wouldn't jump to conclusions so fast Weasley 1". She leaned into his ear and whispered, pulling back and then facing towards George again with a malevolent smirk on her face. Fred was so flustered by the close contact, her words didn't reach him for a few moments until he semi-understood what she had said to him

"What did you do Malfoy?" He whispered back into her ear in an unusually deep voice. She thought it was weird, not a bad weird or a good weird. She hadn't decided yet and definitely didn't want to.

"Whatever do you mean Fred Weasley?" She turned around and graced him with an innocent smile. He knew it was anything and everything but innocent because her eyes gave everything away. She could put on a smile but her eyes would showcase anything but happiness, where as here she looked innocent but her eyes were poisoned with wickedness.

"You know what I mean Nyx."

"I haven't got a clue what you're talking about sir." Nyx's mouth tugged a little upwards, her face fighting the urge to grin but wanting to keep up the clueless facade. Fred just looked at her with laughter in his eye and fake sighed to appear defeated, he opened his mouth to continue on their conversation when George broke out screaming like a little girl as Dumbledore was about to start the choosing of the champions.

"AaaAaaaHhHhhHhhhHhhhHHhhhhhhhhh" George leaped onto the lengthy dining table out of pain and he clutched his hand as everyone except the Gryffindors just stared at at him with confused faces until his screaming stop and he pointed at Nyx, who looked worried.

"Georgie you okay? Are you hurt?" She faked concern and started reaching her hand out to help him.

"NO. STAY BACK SHE-DEVIL YOU DEMON SPAWN FOR THE DEEPEST DEPTHS OF HELL! BE GONE DEMON!" He took two knives and made a makeshift cross out of them and pointed it towards her. Everyone was dead silent at his words, literally. The whole hall was either staring at him or Nyx.

That's when the most unexpected thing happened. Professor Snape bursted out laughing.

Laughing. Professor Snape. Was laughing.

Everyone's heads, bodies, eyes, anything that could turn did, towards Snape as he laughed as if the air had been sucked out of his lungs. Everyone just looked dumbfounded, unsure as to what to do. George was still screaming prayers at Nyx but less loudly as he realized what everyone's attention was on now. After a few moments of Snapes laugh echoing through te great hall people started joining in. One after another and soon enough the whole hall was laughing. Some were laughing over George, some over Snape, and some over the littlest of things. But it was a moment that everyone was filled with joy, excitement, happiness. Not worrying about what had happened in the past or what would happen in the future. They all just basked in the energy that was around them. First years through seventh years and teachers included were all chucking, giggling, laughing, whatever you wanted to call it.

They all just felt exuberant.

filled with or characterized by a lively energy and excitement.

To Be Continued...

Leave suggestions, comments, and concerns in the comments and let me know what you think so far. Also, if there are any spelling errors let me know!

Have a Miraculous day everyone! 💕

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