Chapter 4- Eye Contact

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After the dining hall disaster. As no one besides George would call it, everyone went back to their dorm chatting about what their favorite or most surprising part was. Since the situation was so unexpected, Dumbledore decided to put off the choosing of the champions. After all, enough had already happened that night and he was right, each house was called to leave to go to their common rooms. George refused to talk to Nyx and Nyx was still playing the innocent role and acted as if she had nothing to do with it. George of course was getting frustrated that she wasn't pleading guilty yet and you could see that he was annoyed with it. The majority of the Gryffindors went to bed while Nyx, Fred, and a few others stayed in the common room conversing.

"How did you do it?" Fred quizzically asked Nyx as the pair laid on the couch in front of the fire with Nyx's legs sprawled across Fred's lap comfortably, her neck arched over the arm of the couch but surprisingly not an awkward position for her. Fred was dying to know how she did it, he knew she did a burning spell but had no clue as to how she delayed it so she wasn't framed as the obvious culprit. Besides, Fred wanted the insight to see if he could apply it to some pranks in the future.

"I have no clue as to what you're asking about good sir." Nyx replied in a southern accent while . She switched accents often and many of her fellow peers found it funny. She could do an impressive Shakira impression along with Shrek, Merida from Brave, and Goofy (although it was terrifying because she lowered her voice so much and it ends up sounding like Goofy smokes 6 packs a day). Nyx loved switching from her natural cockney accent which she shared with ferret boy to an American accent that everyone loved to hear. She altered her accent so frequently that her professors have become unfazed by it.

"I'm pretty sure you know what I'm referring to pretty little lady." Fred shot back, matching her accent almost perfectly.

"Mmmm? I'm almost positive that I don't know what you're referring to, if I did I would've downright told you in the first place instead of playing this unnecessary game." She replied, getting small butterflies in her stomach after Fred called her pretty even though she knew it was just for the sake of playing along.

"So you admit it?" Fred switched back to his natural accent. (A/N: ok but isn't a person almost always more attractive when they have an accent?)

"Admit what?"

"That you're playing a game in this conversation? You said 'this' not 'an' which implies that this is a game." Fred pointed out, looking smug with himself. Nyx didn't know what to reply because she was trying to figure out what he was trying to say so she just said the first thing that came to mind.

"Well, if this conversation is a game then what are the rules?" She asked, still confused with what Fred had previously said because it just bumbled her brain up.

"I don't think there are any rules." He said, he voice being a little breathy as he stared straight into her eyes. To him, staring into her eyes was like staring at the ocean floor with the sun shining above, not fully one color but a kaleidoscope of different shades of blue.

"Well then. If there's no rules then there's no game." Nyx shot out clapping and rubbing her hands together while doing so. She would never admit aloud, but when he stared into her eyes, her heart started racing like a horse at the Kentucky derby that wanted first place. She didn't know why her heart had this reaction, Fred had made eye contact with her before several times. So why was it different this time?

Fred POV:

She just rubbed her hands together, like a grandma that just finished her garden and was admiring their work.

She never does that. Or she only does that when she flustered to create space for herself. Why would she be flustered? Why would she want space? Maybe it was just on accident? No- she doesn't make random hand gestures. She bites her lip and plays with her fingers when shes bored just trying to fill time by doing something. Bounces her leg and zones out when shes anxious. Bites the inside of her mouth when shes thinking, and rubs her hands together when she's nervous or flustered.

Oh Merlin of Macroni.

Did I just make Nyx Auroria Malfoy flustered by making eye contact?

Nyx POV:


He knows that I was flustered around him just now. He's known me since two months into our first year at Hogwarts, he's had time to pick up my body language. George doesn't know it but Fred does. Fred can tell when I'm sad when no one else can, when I'm happy, when I'm confused, when I'm- well, you get the point. Now he knows that I was nervous when he stared into my eyes. Wait- WHY WAS I NERVOUS WHEN WE MADE EYE CONTACT. I think I'm broken. My brain just confused him with Dylan O'Brien. Its fine. I mean- they both have brown eyes right, so same difference?

Third Person POV: (sorry i just changed point of views three times but I wanted to include both Nyx and Fred so that was a little snippet)

Both teenagers were freaking out in their heads, fighting with their fated feelings. How sad and miserable that is- not. They both went their separate ways to their dorms after Nyx blurted out goodnight. It was quite awkward. What made it worse was that Nyx couldn't express anything to anyone, sure. She was friends with Angela but not the 'here's my feelings' close, it was more of a 'can i borrow a jumper? Thank you i owe you one'. She couldn't vent with George about Fred because George is close with Fred. Literally- they could be conjoined with how close they are, not to mention he's Fred's twin. It's not that she didn't trust George it's that she makes everything awkward. When saying everything It means everything, if she didn't make herself so awkward it could be a talent.
With no one to tell and no way to get her feelings out she laid in her bed, praying to God (even though she doesn't believe in him because thats just what you do when desperate) that sleep would visit her, drug her, kidnap her, and in the end come to her.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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