Part 5 The compass..

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SoMeOnE: "I'm evil!" "..." "I'LL KILL YOU ALL!" Jk JK JK I cant- i'm only  5'5... Wait- EnJoY!

Side note: Ill make Wilbur and purple good friends even if they don't talk a lot but meh

~3 person~

"Come on Lavainnit let's go" - Ghostper said while continued to hug Lavainnit till he had enough and yelled.

"Then let me go and get my god damn COMPASS! YOU DUMB GHOST!" - Lavainnit yelled that made Ghostper let him go in shock and a bit of sadness. (Ok listen ummm I think i said in information that Ghostper is a nice/kind find and sensitive if i didn't am going to add it after i publish this part) When Ghostper let Lavainnit free, he walked right next to the compass bend down and looked for the compass and saw it broken into pieces, they didn't see Lavainnit happiness but felt that Lavainnit happiness of him taking his compass but sadness of his compass broken into pieces. (Y'all Tommy has a MHM Mask on his head-)

"Hey... Lavainnit don't worry we'll find you a new compass! Maybe not far from the nether!" - Netheiry said, but that didn't work his mask slid down making everyone see his face, his scars around his eyes, lips, and his eyes golden/red as fire burning. Then in a second Lavainnit tears started flowing down. You could see lava going down threw his face till.

"Come on Buddy lets go! Just as Netheiry said we might find a new one!" - Ghostper yelled to make Lavainnit feel better.

"That doesn't change anything... It was the only thing I had from him" - Lavainnit mumbles while taking the part of the compass where it says "Your..."
"your what" Lavainnit.
As soon as Lavainnit holds the piece of the compass his tears start to burst into hearing a earthquake (Lol don't ask- I might just add each Ghost has some kind of controlling thing from the nether where it died that's what matters)

"WOW! WHATS THAT!" - Purple yelled
"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW!" - Karl yelled back
"Don't worry it's normal you'll have to wait for Lavainnit to calm down" - Ghostper said
"If am going to die am taking snapnap with me" - Karl said
"You- you- you really hate me don't you;-;" - Snapnap said while almost falling on the ground. Till everyone followed behind falling on the ground(except the ghost)

"I wish I was dead" - Dream said
"Wu- Why!?" - George asked
"So I would have to fall down all the time" - Dream replied. Till the earthquake was becoming stronger. The more Tommy shed his tears the more the earthquake was stronger.

"Oh god... It has never been this strong" - Ghostper said while walking up to Lavainnit and saying.
"Don't worry Lavainnit this sometimes happens to us. Well more important stuff but you understand!" - Ghostper mumbled to Lavainnit

"... this thing is important" - Lavainnit mumbled under his breath, while more tears started coming out of him.
"Huh?" - Ranboo asked in confusing of what Lavainnit was saying.
"I said... IT IS I˟爪Ꭾ✺ᖇՇคภт" - Lavainnit yelled while getting up and walking right next to dreams face, till he was 1-2 inches away from each other.
"You M͓̽Ωηṡтe̾Ի! You dumb f*cking person! Has anyone told you to not throw stuff!" - Lavainnit yelled yelled till Mexico dream started pulling Lavainnit some more inches away so he could reach feet.
"OI! Stop that!" - Lavainnit yelled while pushing Mexico Dream on the ground.

"Mexico Dream!" - Qauckity yelled
"LAVAINNIT!" - Netheiry yelled at him
"WHAT" - Lavainnit yelled back
"DONT PUSH SOMEONE! YOUR GOING UNDER CONTROL! I COMMAND YOU TO GO TO MP7!" - Netheiry yelled till you could hear lava rising up.

"Skeppy am scared.." - Badboyhalo mumbled to Skeppy ear.
"It's ok Bad it will be alright" - Skeppy said while going behind Badboyhalo and hugging him. (NOT A SHIP!! This book doesn't have any ships!)

"WHAT! WHY!" - Lavainnit yelled till the ground was starting to break into pieces.
"NOW!" - Netheiry yelled till Lavainnit reaches for the other pieces of the compass and disappeard till Netheiry did the same.

"What just happened!?" - Eret asked while trying to understand.
"Well.. Umm... Let's just say Lavainnit is very protective of his stuff that he had when he was alive but umm- how can I say this he is ṧṳ℘ḙԻ strict with the things he has that can only make him remember a bit about his good past. He was umm the person that has deadsystem what's the name again I think pastdeathsyndrom or deathsyndrome. Oh wait! It's Hypodeathsyndrom yep like that! Only ghost have that we'll only a few to be honest.." - Ghostper replied

"What do you mean by "a few"" - Tubbo asked
"Oh by that I mean that ghost or you can say humans that umm lived alone in a village or abandoned city came here and suicided them self some where around this place!" - Ghostper replied
"Is it only at the nether?" - Wilbur asked

"Well if it wasn't at the nether it would be then not be called Hypodeathsyndrom it would be called something different well matter where sometimes it just stays like that!" - Ghostper replied to Wilbur
"Ohhhh ok thank you!" - Wilbur thanked Ghostper

"Well I better be going, I have to check is everything okay with Lavainnit and Netheiry" - Ghostper said while disappearing
"... DREAM HOW!?" - Wilbur asked
"Didn't he kind explain ;-;" - Dream replied
"Well I was murder!" - Wilbur yelled
"Hey! Hey! We'll find some kind of ghost book when we'll get back to Lmanburg " - Fundy said (I hope I said it right)

"Come on let's fix the place up and move on we still have 3 or 2 more days till we get their!" - Sapnap said
"Ye ye whatever" - jschlatt said while eating some red juice apples
"Hey! Save some for us!" - Quackity yelled
"You have some in your pockets or backpacks" - jschlatt replied back

"Well I- mmm I might of forgot..." - Quackity respond back
"Ugh fine here you go!" - Jschlatt replied while opening his backpack and getting a fresh, juice red apple.

"MaY i hAvE oNe?" - Awesamdude asked in a silly voice (idk if  Awesamdude is in the dream smp but i did some reachers and its said: "Sam, better known online as Awesamdude, is a close friend of the Dream Team who streams Minecraft on Twitch. He was one of the original members of the Dream SMP, and was most commonly seen during the first few streams. ... He now streams almost daily on Twitch, and plans to upload to Youtube." Soo um i just left it like that. Ill put the source in the end

"No screw of! You have your own apple" - Jschlatt said to him

"I- Your just rude Jschlatt!" - Awesamdude yelled

"Meh works for me" -  Jschlatt said.

As everyone got their stuff ate some food they had in spear they went of to continue their journey...

SoMeOnE: DONE! Hope you enjoy part 5! Ill be posting part 6 tomorrow, so am see you tomorrow.


Also it would help for you to comment some more ghost names thats all know bye!

1204 words tho-

T..tommy? GhostinnitWhere stories live. Discover now