Diluc x Venti ❤️

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Diluc's POV

Tonight is my night to be the bartender at Angel's Share. It's not often I do, as I'm pretty busy with the Winery.

"Hello, Master Diluc." Charles greeted me, as I entered the Tavern.

I nod my head in response, walking over to the other side of the bar where he was standing. "Hello."

"How are you this evening?" He asked.

"Fine." I said, my attention being taken away from Charles by someone's beautiful voice. My eyes meet Venti's and I find myself exploring the vast expanse of light in his eyes, marveling at the way they seemed to look like a picture perfect landscape; like sitting at the top of a hill with your best friend, waiting for the sun to rise so you can watch it together and share a beautiful, intimate moment. Perhaps I'm looking a little too deeply into things... but I've never seen his eyes quite like this before.

(The description of Venti's eyes was created by @Madison481, my sister)

He smiles at me, his cheeks turning a light pink. He finishes his song with a soft melody, then bowed once everyone started clapping.

"Did you serve him any wine today?" I asked Charles.

"Of course not. That Bard is underage. He's definitely tried though." He said, grabbing his things.

I watched as the Bard made his way to us, taking a seat at the bar.

"Great performance, young Bard." Charles said to Venti, smiling kindly.

Venti smiled happily. "Thank you! Will you kindly serve me a glass of wine now?"

Charles sighed. "Not a chance, kid." He said, walking out from behind the counter and waving goodbye at me before he left the Tavern for the night.

Venti groaned and slammed his head on the bar out of frustration.

I chuckled, shaking my head.

He looked up at me desperately. "Please, Diluc! You know my true identity! You know I'm not a child. So please, let me buy a glass of wine!" He pleaded.

I sighed. "Fine. Just don't get too drunk like you did last time. Okay?"

He jumped up with excitement, smiling happily. "Okay! Thank you very much!" He handed me a few pieces of Mora to pay for the drink.

I grabbed a glass and poured some Dandelion Wine into it. He watched as the liquid poured into the glass, swirling around and around as it filled. He was practically drooling.

"Here ya go." I said, sliding the glass over to him.

He smiled widely. "Thank you, kind sir." He joked, picking up the glass and taking a big swig of it. "Mmmm... so good."

I laughed breathy, turning away from him and taking off my coat, laying it down on an empty space behind me.

"So, how's the Winery?" He asked, looking up at me with genuine interest.

"It's good. Business has been blooming lately." I said, preparing some glasses for customers to come.

"That must mean lots of paper work, huh?"

"Like you wouldn't believe." I said, sighing tiredly.

He took another sip, looking over at another Bard who was performing. "Maybe you should step back for a bit? Take a break."

"I can't do that. Especially when business is better than ever."

"Why not get someone you trust enough to take care of it for a while?"

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