part 6

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The sun was rising, blue-grey behind the clouds, as Haseong and I moored the ship to a rocky bluff. We didn't know what we would be looking for on land — the map only said to walk south until our destination became clear. He was muttering about stupid, vague maps as we hurtled through the forest, cutting away at the undergrowth with our swords.

An ancient stone building appeared in front of us, eaten by vines and moss, decrepit after years of neglect. Clear enough.

We froze as we heard movement ahead of us. Haseong's former crew were already climbing the front steps.

Haseong jumped up and ran after them. I followed, hoping and praying this wouldn't go off the rails.

Shao heard us coming and promptly gripped his partner's elbow. "Haseong, don't make this harder than it has to be."

"I haven't the faintest what you're talking about." Haseong cut ahead of them, past their crew and kicked the doors in. "I'm just here to claim what's mine."

My jaw dropped open. It was a library, one of the biggest I'd ever seen. (Though not as big as The Library of Congress and not as burnt either.) Endless aisles of dusty books and books stacked on the floor and books left open. I automatically picked one up and started reorganizing.

"Fuck," Iseul muttered. "This could take forever."

"Why don't you two wait outside?" Haseong said. "We will locate the key and then call you in and tell you where it was, alright?"

Iseul turned calmly to Shao. "May I please run him through?"

"No, you may not."

"Why? Perhaps a final match is in order."

I could tell Haseong wouldn't be opposed to the idea; I cut in. "We're all adults here, we needn't fight."

Iseul looked me up and down. "And you are?"

"My name is Bang Chan."

"Why are you here? What has Haseong promised you? Wealth, power, love?"

"He has promised me nothing. He's my friend."

Shao snorted. Iseul smirked and looked at Haseong. "This one is cute. Try not to break him, will you?"

Haseong looked slightly embarrassed. "He can take care of himself."

"He isn't even holding his sword correctly."

I readjusted it in my hands.

"Have I missed anything?" Eogeum Myung strode in through the doors, his crew on his heels. "Ah, a library. Quaint."

The Hound trailed after them, eyes scanning the room. "Who has the key?"

"No one yet, dog," Iseul snapped. "We're not even sure what we're looking for."

The captains and crew fanned out, moved deeper into the building. I ran my fingers along the books, mind straying from the mission at hand. I loved libraries, especially when they were empty, nothing but grandfather clocks ticking, pages brushing together and lovely acoustics (in case a little warbling was in order).

A shout. "There's someone here!"

I headed toward the sound. At the end of the room, under a towering stained glass window, a person sat behind a desk, faced away from us, unmoving.

Myung rounded the desk and walked up to the stranger. He was in the middle of a greeting when he realized the man in the chair was dead, blood all over his shirt, puddled on the floor. I held Haseong's wrist, but he seemed to be in control, teeth gritted together.

treasure || bang chanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon