part 11

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Standing at the helm next to Fei, I watched Iseul and Shao's crew storm the rival ship. Blades were drawn, bullets and cannon balls hailed down, slain men plunged into the ocean. It was difficult to witness the carnage, but as Fei reminded me, it was in our interest. Whoever had claimed Myung's key by the time the raid was over, was our target as well.

I had the feeling Haseong would have enjoyed this; it reminded me of gambling. I found myself weighing the odds, making my own petty bets. Myung's company was sizeable and polished, but Iseul and Shao were seasoned, they knew how to lead their crew while handling themselves at the same time.

Iseul especially was deft and deadly with a sword in her hands. From the second she swung onto the other ship, blood was spraying and men were falling at her feet. Her sights were set on Myung. I momentarily sympathized with him; from what I knew of Iseul, he would be spared no mercy once she had him at the point of her blade.

"They will take Captain Eogeum's key," Fei murmured. "I suppose Haseong and Iseul will get the duel they've been waiting for."

I cringed at the thought. "Do you think anyone will try to steal our keys?"

"We've done well at concealing them, but the fact that you two are still pursuing the treasure despite your perceived lack of success — and since so many keys are unaccounted for — someone may work it out for themselves."

"I'm sure everyone will have plans to take the ones they don't have. Should we have a plan too?"

"Don't worry about it, I've thought it all through."

"We should discuss it with Haseong."

"That is not necessary. All you two need to do is search for the remaining keys."

I looked back at the ship in the distance. Water was flooding in through breaches in the hull; the crewmen were scrambling into a lifeboat. Myung was not among them. Iseul and Shao had shoved off already, still firing their guns in a show of conquest.

I looked up at Fei. "You won't kill Iseul and Shao, will you?"

She met my eyes. "I am not Captain Bak. In other words, I will not settle so easily into the palm of your hand. Speaking of your swain, any idea when he'll be up from the bilge?"

"Um. Surely once Iseul and Shao let up with the explosions."

"Am I to suppose he's afraid of gunfire?"

"He isn't afraid, he just doesn't like it."

She laughed, high and ringing. "Bak Haseong, pirate kingpin, pitiless corsair — frightened by a little bang and pow. How poor."

"Don't be callous, we all have fears."

She waved her hands in surrender. "As you say, Mother Bang. And of course, not to worry — his secret is safe with me."


Once again, Haseong and I rowed to shore cooped up in the little lifeboat. Normally I wouldn't shy away if there was discord between us, but the silence now felt untouchable. What should I say? Was he angry with me? Was I supposed to be angry with him as well?

"Chan, don't be awkward," he said suddenly.

"I — what? I'm not awkward. Why would you think that?"

"Your lips move when you talk to yourself."

I closed my mouth. "Noted, I'll fix that."

"Did Iseul and Shao take down Myung's ship?"

"Um, yes. Fei said she has a plan to claim the remaining keys."

"That's good — I have nothing. I thought we'd just run in screaming and leave the rest up to fate."

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