Chapter 3

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1 week later


We had transformed our front yard into a battle camp. I had at least a thousand rogues at my disposal. We will charge in about an hour. They had officially claimed me as the rogue queen. I was sitting in my office, looking at the blueprints of the packs grounds. When a man entered my tent "Queen, we are ready to attack. Their in position." I nodded "thanks you Jeremy." I followed him out. I shifted, and someone tied my sword to my wolf. Everyone that was in my group was already shifted. I took off into the woods, towards my family.

When we arrived, my team attacked the guards that were guarding the 'prison'. I shifted behind a tree, and put my armor on. When I came back, I unsheathed my sword, and opened the door. As I walked down the stairs, my group followed me "Jony? Kylie? Landina?" I called my brothers by their annoying nicknames. They didn't like the names "Hazy?" Jonathan said "Jony!" I said, as I ran to the huge cell. I put my hands on the bars, only to recoil "silver!" I growled. I took out a lock pick and went to work on the lock. I got it to open and I swung the cell door open, ignoring the burning flesh. My brothers enveloped me in a hug, followed by my sisters, then my parents. "I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner." I said. "It's ok. We are together now. That's all that matters." My dad said, which caused me to smile. My group surrounded my family as I led them out of the prison. I turned to one of the rogues in my group "escort them to the camp. If a single scratch is on any of them, at all when I return, I will have your hide. Got it?" He nodded and ran to lead the group. I turned back towards the fight. I jumped on a pale brown wolf with my white one. I snarled and but its leg. It let out a howl of pain. And I ripped a chunk of its flesh out of its leg. I abandoned the wolf, to find myself in the middle of the fight, staring at a huge black wolf. I snarled and arched my back, ready to pounce. A wolf tackled me from the side. It's beige color unfamiliar to me. I roar brought me back to my senses, and the beige wolf was torn off me. I jumped up quickly, and saw the black wolf snarling at the beige. I was confused. My brothers and sisters wolves were not black. And my mom and dads wolves were grey. The black wolf snarled again and the beige growled back. The black wolf started to run in my direction when my brothers and sisters jumped out of the woods. Jonathan's blonde wolf and kyle's grey wolf snarled at the beige as Landon pulled it off of me. It had taken a chunk out of my shoulder and I was bleeding badly. I couldn't stay in my wolf form so I shifted and someone threw me my armor. I put it on quickly as my siblings circled me in a protective way. When I finished, I tied my hair in a ponytail and took out my knives. Silver knives. The black wolf had stopped a few meters in front of Lisa. He snarled at her, and she snarled back. The pack wolves were closing the distance between them and us. Then I deicided to raise my voice "I will kill your children, your mates, your source of happiness! Because if you kill us, you can't find them. We have them. Go! Go run, check your houses, your bunker, your closets! Wherever you hid them!" I said as some ran and I heard wailing. The black wolf shifted to a man. And my wolf got excited. No, no no no no. 'Mate!' My wolf screamed, but I ignored it "get out of my way! She is MINE!" The man that was the black wolf growled. Then, he did what I was least expecting. He pulled out a gun, aimed it at Lisa, and pulled the trigger.

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