Chapter 7

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I could feel Jimmy cutting into me. McAngerMan was watching, I'm sure of it, I just couldn't see him. Alex held my hand. She looked at me with sympathy, and looked at me like I was going to scream. I wanted to, to let them know how much this hurt, but I didn't. In the last week, I learned that you never want to show weakness. I felt him trying to grab the bullet, making it touch my flesh "Grab the stupid thing!" I groaned. "He will. Calm down." Alex said soothingly, as she gave my hand a gentle squeeze. I groaned again, as he cut deeper, and grabbed it. Sweat poured down my face, as he went to the one in my arm. After what felt like painful hours, he removed the bullet. "The next one is in your stomach. It is going to be the most painful." He warns, and looks at me with sympathy. I feel him stitch my other wounds, then he starts the knife slow, and cuts. As he finished cutting, the knife touches the bullet, and the bullet moves, causing me to scream. "Please! Please stop!" I say, tears pouring down my face. I hear a door open, but I'm in to much pain to take notice. Alex's hand leaves mine, as McAngerMan's fills mine, and it's sparks if pleasure comfort me. "I'm so sorry." He says "Please, forgive me. Give me a chance." I nod slowly, pain clouding my better judgement. Jimmy touches the bullet, and I scream, as I squeeze his hand. I hear a growl, and my eyes snap to him, but he isn't growling at me. He's growling at Jimmy. Jimmy grabs the bullet, as my eyes look into his, as he glares at Jimmy. "There," Jimmy says, and places it along next to the other two. I closed my eyes, and sighed in relief. His hand tightens on mine, "give her pain killers." He grounds out through his teeth. "I-I'm fine." I said, but he gives my hand a squeeze

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