Chapter 6

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Pain. That's all I felt right now. I was being helped onto a hospital bed by, a pack doctor I would say, and a pack member. Once they put me on the bed, the pack doctor picked up the drug from the side table "No! Please! I'll cooperate!" I pleaded. I would not be put under again. He nodded and placed it back on the table, and started touching machines and writing on his little clipboard. "Hi." Said the pack member next to me. "Hello.." I was uncertain. I just wanted my family back. I just wanted to go home. "I'm Alex." I nodded "Hazel." She smiled "Nice to meet you Hazel." I nodded "uh..sure." Alex let out a giggle "what are you giggling at?" I ask "nothing really, just, that you made a friend while on a hospital bed." I was confused. How was that funny? "I'm the friend." She said in a duh tone. "I got that part." Then the man turned to me. "Hello, I'm Jimmy. Im the pack doctor here. You should be back to normal in a bout a week. You have some internal bleeding, but that can be fixed when we do surgery to get the silver bullets out." My heart stopped. No thank you. "No thanks, I don't need surgery." He chuckled "I understand that your afraid. And if you don't want to be put under, then you won't be. But we have to do surgery in the next half hour, or it will kill you." I was scared. Scared that I couldn't be alive to set my family free, and if Lisa was alive, I would find her. "Ok...can we do it in here? And can you close the curtains on the windows so the creep can't watch?" Jimmy nodded and began to close the curtains, and I heard a loud growl come from McAngerMan outside, who wanted to watch. Jimmy began bustling around, turning this into a surgery room. "Alex?" I said, looking at her "I'll stay here with you. Don't worry." I nodded "ready?" Jimmy asked and I nodded "painville, your my next destination."

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