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Im bad bad news
I sit. By myself just thinking about how grateful I should be for my parents moving for me and well my dad’s job.  This year is going to be the year when I get involved in more things.
“There you are,” Johnny says while panting. It made me think he’s been running around trying to find me. How cute.
“Yes I’m here,” I mumble sheepishly.
“You have to perform for the talent show,” Johnny pleads. It looks like it means a lot to him. I researched it and the prize would be a gift card and a scholarship.
“Why? I don’t want to,” I stated boldly.
“Please, if you do this I’ll leave you alone,” he shrugged. It seems like he really wants it.
“Fine but we are not singing that song,” I responded.He looked sort of sad. Is this not what he wanted?
“Yeah I know. Cause we are doing the song you wrote,” he grinned while walking away.
“Wait no I didn’t agree to that. Dude stop walking away!” I yelled hoping he would say it was a joke. HE just kept walking until I was all alone on the bleachers again.
That song was written for me and you to sing. We stayed up writing it on your birthday and we were laughing the whole night about how soppy we sounded. Now I relate to the words more than ever.
I go through my notebook to finish the song cause if were singing it for the talent show it should be perfected.
My notebook was mainly filled with doodles of random stuff and some random lyrics. I finally reached the page labelled rewrite the stars. So many scribbles filled the page, I could barely read what I had written. Okay so let’s just swap out the verse you wrote with something else. My eyes filled up with tears while I erased everything you had wrote. It said ‘you know I want you but it’s hard to want someone when they can’t love you the way you do’. That hunted me knowing you hunted because of me but you wanted to do that.
“I tried my best not to let any balls hit you,” Ricky chuckled.
“Shut up,” I groaned wiping away tears while smiling at Ricky’s comment.
“Are you okay?” He pondered noticing me sniffling.
“Yeah, hay fever ya know,” I lied hoping he would believe it.
“Okay whatever you say ball girl,” he taunted. I slap him with my notebook. While he grabbed his arm pretending to be hurt.
“Poor you,” I snickered while grabbing my bags and walking away. I got to the end of the field while searching for my phone when I bumped into a figure.
“Okay come with me,” the figure ordered while grabbing my wrist and practically dragging me to a car.
“Johnny? This is kidnapping,” I yelped.
“No you know me, plus the talent shows in a week and we need to practice so you’re coming to my house,” he bossed.
“I need to tell my parents and I haven’t even finished the song,” I mentioned.
“I’ve already informed your parents and we can work on the song together,” he shared.
“How did you tell my parents?” I inquired.
“No questions please,” he muttered while instructing his driver to roll the windows down.

Bad newsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang