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I didn't wanna let them out

I felt like had exposed too much of myself to Johnny. Even though I had a feeling I could trust him for some reason, it didn't feel right telling him everything that had happened after one night of knowing him.

I had got to my free period and saw that the bleachers were empty while some boys were playing American football

Including Ricky. Bella kept mentioning that he had liked me but how could he when we've barely spoken. I kept scribbling notes on my notebook when I looked up to see a ball launching towards me but this time I caught it.

"Nice catch ball girl," Ricky yells with a grin.

I stick my tongue out and chuck it back at him.

"That was a pretty good shot! You should think about joining the girls' team!" The coach yells.

"Why not the boys' team?" I yell back as a joke.

He gives a small smile with a chuckle.

I see a figure approach me but without even having to look I know its Johnny.

"Hey John- I mean Johnny," I stammer knowing very well he doesn't like being called John since he yelled at Clara for it.

"Its okay you can call me John if you want," he laughs.

"Oh my god does this mean me and you are besties??" I say giggling like a maniac. He rolls his eyes at me but I see a small smile form on his face

"Hey balls girl, wanna grab a drink with me?" Ricky says walking towards me with a sweaty face and a towel swung round his shoulder. Maybe Bella was right

"No she's with me,"Johnny says grabbing my wrist while glaring at Ricky.

"Johnny stop. I would Ricky but I'm really tired. Maybe another day?" I say trying to salvage it but Johnnys still giving him the death glare.

"No I wouldn't want to intrude," he grabs his bag and quickly leaves.

"Whats wrong with you? He was really sweet," I say nudging him.

"Ok and? You're not dating him," he says stubbornly.

"Who said anything about dating? Me and him WERE friends<" I say a tiny bit mad knowing the friendship is definitely gone.

"Key word: WERE," Johnny laughs trying to make me forget about it.

I got up and realised his hand was still wrapped around my wrist. I gave him the eyes and he backed off. He pulled a sulky face knowing I was mad at him. I spread my arms out to see what he would do and he stood up gracefully and pulled me into this long nice hug. I didn't want to let go. It was nice but then I remembered you. I let go.

"Sorry it reminded me of- well you know," I quickly mumble.

"Its okay," he sweetly whispers and says "how about this instead?" He lifted up his hand to give me a high-five.

Instead I turn away and walk away.

He grabs my waist and spins me around so we are only 2 inches apart.

"Wow you smell good," I say taking in the odour of cologne.

"Thanks y/n" he says chuckling at the timing of my compliments. I slap his arm and turn around giving him a small wave.

What are you doing to me Johnny Orlando?

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