And I thought I could be the one

Johnny stayed with me the whole night. He didn't sleep. instead he was thinking. Shaking his leg in anger and confusion. My whole body was still in pain. I can't believe I've done this to him. He didn't deserve more drama in his life. It was unfair on him. 


I hear my phone go. I gradually go to check it grunting at every move.

Hey gorgeous, Sorry about last night. Wanna meet for a coffee? Before you say no, don't forget I can speak to your parents.

I don't reply yet. My hands were sweating. I should go instead of causing my parents pain. I couldn't tell Johnny either. He would never let me go.

"Hey y/n, you look a little distressed. Is everything okay love?" he ventures looking for a reply.

"Yeah everything good. I'm getting discharged today so that's fun!!" I exclaim trying my best to sound excited.

He gives me a small smile while moving to my face. His eyes wander to my lips as do mine. I see a cloud of thoughts go through eyes as he retreats and places a soft kiss on my forehead. I'm really messing up everything here.

A couple hours later I get discharged from the hospital and after a ton of medication I feel a lot more loopy but pain-free. Johnny holds my hand as we go out the hospital to m car. My parents simply eye it but don't say anything. He helps me into the car and bids his farewell while walking away with his hands in fists.

I swiftly get out the car, and stride towards him. I grab his wrist and he turns around with a glisten in his eye.

"Y/n?" he questions with a raised eyebrow.

"You know I'll pick you over him right?" I say while my eyes look up to meet his.

A smirk rises to his lips.

"Yes I do," he says with a chuckle. 

I go to hug him and I whisper in his ear.

"Come to my room at 9pm tonight," I say while leaving kisses by his ear.

I rapidly turn around and walk to my car looking at his face again and giving him a smirk. He stands there in astonishment.

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