Chapter 6

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First update in 2021. Woooo!!

Harley's POV

I sighed as I dropped onto my blue bed, my bulging schoolbag lay discarded with my black and blue SI sweatshirt in the corner of the room. The word 'Keener' displayed across the back.

"Friday, is Peter home yet?" I asked, running my hands through my dirty blonde hair. 

No Mr. Stark (don't forget who's son he really is) has not arrived yet. Would you like me to notify you when he has?"

I replied with a yes, before pulling out my phone and watching some hilarious Spider-Man vines that some people tried to recreate (but failed might I add) to unalive some time.

It was around 6:42, I had just finished my math calculus homework -which was to easy btw- when I was suddenly, and rudely, interrupted by a light thud from the room next to mine and a message from Friday. 

"Mr. Keener, Peter has arrived." I furrowed my brows in confusion. Why didn't I hear the door before some random thud? Unless I'm deaf, I gasped.

What if I had gone deaf?! I chuckled to myself before venturing into Peter's room, the sight catching me by surprise.

SPIDERMAN, or spiderboy, was kneeling. His head resting on his his arm and the pale grey sheets of his bed, familiar brown curls laying all over the place, a mask lay discarded on the carpet next to him. But only two things surprised me.

A) Peter is Spider-Man, and I was practically hunting him down

B) He is bleeding, a lot

Ok so there were only 2 things. But still.

I tapped my face and pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming, maybe i was having hallucinations? But when Peter groaned and I was a hundred percent sure those pinches were real, my eyes widened.

The floor beneath him was stained red, nothing else was really injured and remained unscathed.

I really didn't know what to do except getting a blanket and a wet towel to try and help without causing any harm or damage to the already injured body in front of me.

I quickly lock the door so that none of the Avengers would find out the identity of Spider-Man and then rush into the bathroom to get a wet towel.

I found the source of the blood, a large gash coming from his left shoulder all the way down to Peter's hip. He whimpered slightly in his unconscious state as I applied pressure on it, and on instinct I kissed the top of his head. 

The wound had started to heal very slowly, but at least it was clean. Once I pulled a small blanket over Peter, I pulled out my phone to check the time again. It had taken about twenty minutes to help Peter and it was definitely near dinner time by now. 

I shrugged and hacked back into the camera in no time, making it look like we were working on something in the lob to anyone checking the cameras. 

I sighed again before deciding to settle down in a large grey chair, I surveyed my surroundings. Peter's room was Star Wars themed, a colorful and large poster hung on the wall-showing the characters of the famous Star Wars films. 

There was a large wooden bookcase, at least a hundred textbooks all stacked neatly either side by side or on top of each other, varying in size and color. the windows were lined with a black frame, the glossy windows reflecting the night lights of NYC that emanated from buildings and passing cars.  

I felt drowsiness start to take over, bit I tried to stay awake, fighting the urge to fall asleep in the chair.

I have to stay awake, for Peter.

I'm so sorry for not updating for a while! I've had a lot of school stuff and was trying to catch up.

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