Chapter 9

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Harley's POV

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket during my history lesson, the hazy atmosphere nearly sending me to sleep. The constant droning of the teacher turning the brains of even the most energetic and restless of us into mush.

I quickly whipped out my phone, the teacher's back turned to face us, completely oblivious towards everything besides her words.

PSPS (peter stark protection squad)

Da guy in the chair: Harley Peter's dying OMG go and help him!!!

FuckOff: Calm down Ned, Hey loser number 3. Your boyfriend is bleeding out in the halls, so get your lazy as ass outa your seat and go scold him for coming to school.

And help him, I guess.

PotatoGunKid: He's not my boyfriend.

Yet, I thought to myself. I do have to ask him out at some point. I quickly chucked up my stuff into my already bulging bag and exited the class, the teacher still yapping on about war and what not, she wouldn't notice if one of her students were missing anyways. She really is oblivious as fück.

I ran into someone as I approached Peter's class, an apology nearly flying out of my mouth before I realised who it was.

Damn Pete, how did you get yourself into this mess?

He groaned and moved away, my arm shot out and grabbed his own. He looked up at me for once, realisation dawning over his cute little face. He looked like a puppy that had been kicked, my heart squeezing at the bloody sight of him.

"Oh for fucks sake."

That was two hours ago, Peter was currently curled up on the grey leather couch in the avengers living room. I had stitched up his wound, a thin layer of white bandages wrapped around his torso.

Unnoticeable to - well - anybody really. A slightly baggy black and white ironman shirt had replaced the bloody red one, as well as black adidas shirts, the stripes a deep red hue. Suddenly out of nowhere Peter started talking, the Star wars movie playing quietly in the background.

"Do you ship ironstrange?" I looked at him, scoffing.

"Of course I do, how is that even a question darlin'? The magician and old man were practically made for each other. Both went through traumas, both need someone there for them, both lovesick for each other."

"I bet that they'll be snogging by the end of the month." We said at the exact same time, a voice joined in on our conversation.

"Nahh, I bet that they'll be all over each other by the end of the week." A familiar red haired assassin added.

"Ten dollars, Pete and I against you Nat." Peter gave me a look, agreeing but warning me of something after shaking on it with the red haired lady.

"You know you should never bet a shield agent, or a woman at all. Especially Nat, we're gonna become poor."

Nat chuckled, shaking her head.

"Peter's is right, well I guess I'll see you later you gays."

"Don't you mean guys?" Nat looked at us, her glare sending a flurry of shivers up our spines.

"Did I fucking stutter?"And before we knew it she had disappeared without any trace, as if she'd never occupied the seat directly next to me.

"Man, I wonder how she gets around." Peter shrugged his shoulders.

"Never question a lady that has got secrets, because she'll never tell or break." I hummed in agreement, wrapping my arm around his waist.

Peter's face was once again covered in the same light blush, the cuteness nearly causing me to shut down.

Damn Peter.

What did I ever do to be able to meet you?

How y'all doing today?(No I'm not southern)

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