Chapter 11

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3rd POV

Of course, the next day was hell for them.
After Tiny Stank found them cuddled up onto the couch together he immediately called an avengers meeting, without the two gays that

He, along with Scott and Clint were the two that really accumulated the plan. Everyone else attending was just sitting there nodding whenever they needed to.

Nat had already knew from the start, being the amazing spy she is.

Clint had passed by them, but didn't hear Harley's boyfriend proposal.
Probably because he didn't have his hearing aids in, but that's besides the point.

Tony, well, he was being Tony and didn't bother to actually listen to what the two were talking about the other day.

And the others had enough and were just mentally screaming at the tension between the southern and city boi.

"Why don't we just shove them in a small closet?" Scott asked, who was sitting upside down on the couch, fiddling with a muddled up rubix cube that he couldn't solve. Even if his life depended on it.

"Nahh, that'll be too predictable. And there is a very high risk of the failure of that plan. We need to be subtle with it." Tony added, his feet propped up on the glass coffee table he was hiding under not so long ago.

"Subtle isn't your strong point Tony." Bruce said, trying to catch up on some sleep in the large armchair he was sprawled upon.

"For god sake, why don't we just lock them in Peter's lab? you have cameras in there don't you? Cuz stalking is also another option." The vent rat suggested from, you guessed it, the vents.

Tony paused for a second, eyebrows knitted together in thought as his brain processed what Clint had said, he shrugged.

"I don't see why not." Nat rolled here eyes, her hands still polishing her favourite silver knife.
"Wow, for once Clint said something useful and not just a blabber of words that a five year old would say."

"Yes, the crawler of vents has said the words of dumbs." Loki would correct his brother, but he just wasn't bothered enough to do so.
Instead he muttered under his breath

"You oaf."

"Thank you dear brother!"

"Well I guess that it's settled! We'll just lock the doors of the labs and stalk them for a while until they make some sort of confession or move."

Dumb asses

You're not wrong


Peter woke up to a faint tickling sensation on the back of his neck, an arm wrapped almost protectively around his waist. The soft rhythmic beating of the southern boy's heart calming and almost sending him back to sleep.

"Mornin' darlin'. " A small smile etched itself onto the smaller boy's face, the drowsiness slowing dissipating.

"Mornin' Harley." He mimicked the southern's accent in a playful way, his voice airy yet husky at the same time.

"My god don't speak like that Peter, you're gonna give me a boner." Said boy stifled a laugh, now fully awake.

Peter started to slide off the bed, only to have a grip on his waist tighten even more.
"Come on darlin', stay with me for a couple more minutes. I ain't got a shirt on and you're practically my only warmth."

He hummed happily as his unfairly warm boyfriend returned to his chest, his back pressed onto it.

"Then get a shirt on. " The blond merely shook his head, resting his chin on the brown curls.

"Shut up and go back to sleep."

Peter didn't argue, instead he just complied.
His breath falling in place with Harley's.
Happy and content, for the moment anyways. 4

They had no idea on what was coming.

so imma be honest i completely forgot i'd taken over this fic until i was going through my email and saw the comments that lead to it, and i still have already written chapters i haven't posted so here y'all go. i don't write fanfiction basically at all anymore and whenever i read it it's on ao3 so i've yet to decide whether i'll actually keep posting updates for this anymore but who knows could be fun. have a nice day :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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