Chapter 32 - Immobilization

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All the girls had fallen asleep while I was lying wide awake, worried. I'm the oldest and couldn't help feel like I was responsible for these girlies.

I was back in South Korea and couldn't feel more foreign in my own home country. I left this place to become a lawyer in the US. My family had disowned me basically after they found out I was pregnant. After all the stress and shame I ended up having a miscarriage.

I met Juli and Stan in our College English class. I was relearning everything I had done in South Korea. I was 28 and now back at 22 years old it felt like I could have a redo.

This whole kpop music industry never appealed to me. Stan liked it, but Juli was obsessed. The only reason I came to this dumb trip was to help them with the language, the Korean food, and they made me feel young and hopeful.

I couldn't say I wasn't happy to be 22 again. It made me wonder if there was another me right now roaming the bars in Gangnam. The 22 year old me was a party girl. Drink until I blacked out and wake up with a stranger next to me every Saturday night. I wasn't proud of my past the good thing is that it's what got me to meet Juli and Stan. Now, here I was in this strange adventure, as Stanza would say. How I hate adventures. I can't tell the girls how scared I am. I like to joke around and look like I'm easy going yet I'm about to shit my pants if I have another super powered freak come at me with a gun.

We haven't spoken about how the girl froze us in the crowd and then all we could do is watch Stan somehow jump the fence and land on stage in front of those idiot "idols".

Stan is a much better person than me. I saw the woman with the gun too. I ignored her and minded my own business when she went towards the men on the stage. Anyone with eyes could've seen how much she hated them. I kept myself as far away from her as possible. Never did I expect Stan to go after her. One moment she's by Juli dancing and smiling, the next, she runs after that lunatic and warning the security guard.

Of course they didn't believe her. Not because she doesn't look honest or innocent. It's only cause she looks way younger than her actual age. Who would believe a kid? Which I'm not saying is an excuse, but adults do it all the time. Stan looks like a 16-17 year old at 22 years old maybe younger. She's tall with an oval shaped face and looks like a baby. I'm 28 and looking at my 22 year old reflection now, I seem way older than her at the same age. Just my luck.

I blame myself for what happened. I should've been there and had her back or done it instead. It's funny how I respect Stan. When she wants to show her serious side, Stan is very wise. Even without having much experience. You can tell she learns from other people's mistakes, though. Stan also tries hard to not be the center of attention. We are complete opposites. Maybe that's why I like her so much. She's the person I wish I was like. The person my parents wanted me to be more like.

I needed to find her even more now out of guilt. She cares for everyone in this room. Including the new girl Lisa I bet. I laughed at my joke in the dark. I saw a bit of light creeping into our bedroom window. I turned around to lay on my stomach and forced myself to fall asleep.

The last thing I remember thinking was, Stan please be safe and sound. Soon we'll be back home in our own beds. Promise. 

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