Chapter 23- Umbrakinesis

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I woke up to a knock on my door. 

"Mom, why are you waking me up so early?" I mumbled while getting out of bed. I opened the door half asleep. I saw Suho's face and snapped awake. "Suho?" Ignoring the fact I called him by the wrong name, he looked at me brightly.

"You'll be joining us this morning! So, hurry and use the bathroom before the others wake up. We'll be going for a run first and then dance training. As your punishment you'll be doing this with us every morning and after you will go to school." Suho said with a slight smile as if to mock me. 

I didn't say a word though since I owed him for his hospitality. I went to the bathroom obediently and noticed there was a packaged toothbrush with a note that said, "For our guest, Stanza." There was a smiley face at the end of the post.

I tried to wash up as quick as possible. I didn't want to use any of their facial products which there were a lot of. I couldn't differentiate them anyways cause it was all in Korean. So, I just splashed my face with cold water and a little bit of soap.

I opened the door and outside were all the guys in line. "Did I take that long?" I asked.

"No." They all said in unison, which I realized they tend to do a lot.

"I hope you didn't use any of my expensive shi-tuff!" Chanyeol said, glancing at Suho, as he pushed past me.

"No, I just used soap and water."

"What? You aren't a normal girl are you? All the girls in school use the latest beauty care." Chanyeol said.

"I wouldn't know what to use." I said with a shrug.

"Here, use this first." Sehun said, pushing his way through. All of a sudden all the guys started coming into the bathroom and we shared the sink. All of them helping me and instructing me how to use the products.

"Wow," I said while admiring my shiny face, "this stuff is amazing!"

"Are you sure you don't follow a daily routine." Asked D.O. examining my face.

"Not really, why?" I said, while trying to remember if I ever used anything specific while growing up.

"Really?!" They all said, again in unison which made me wonder if they practice to sound so harmonious.

"Your face is just so clear for someone who doesn't constantly take care of herself." said Chanyeol.

"I take of myself. Sometimes. Maybe not as much as other girls, but I still worry about what I look like." I pointed out.

"Why worry? You look fine to me." Said Sehun, which it seemed to me like he was feeling guilty for ratting me out to Suho.

I smiled at Sehun then awkwardly said, "Thanks."

"Alright," Suho clapped once, "let's hurry. Also, Stanza, I left some clothes on your bed for today. They are clothes I borrowed from some of the guys. We guessed your size so let me know if anything doesn't fit. We'll go shopping after school so you have something to wear." I nodded and made my way to the room.

I tried on the clothes and was thankful they fit. I was glad that I was in my 17 year old body because they might've not fit me in my future body. I kept the same bra on though cause hopefully none of the other guys needed to wear any or had somehow gotten their hands on some. The t-shirt fit and the sweat pants were a bit loose but that's how I liked my clothes.

I grabbed my hoodie on my way out of my room and headed towards the kitchen. Suho was already done and had a sweater on that covered his neck and the tip of his chin.

"What size in shoes are you?" Suho asked.

"I'm an 8 and 1/2 to 9?" I said, Suho looked confused. He walked over to me and placed his foot next to mine. They were about the same size.

Chanyeol and Jongin came into the room. Chanyeol started laughing and pointed at our feet.

"Ha! Junmyeon has girl feet." Chanyeol said, Jongin began laughing with Chanyeol. Even though they weren't making fun of me I became self conscious of how big my feet were. Suho blushed at the comment from Chanyeol.

"You are almost the same height, too!" Mocked Chanyeol, D.O and Sehun walked in wondering about all the fuss. "How tall are you Stanza?" Chanyeol continued.

"I'm 5'7", around 170 cm, I think." I said, shyly. I already felt like a monster because most of my friends were shorter than me. Even though some people would think I wasn't that tall I would still hunch over a bit. D.O. walked over and stood by me completely oblivious to their conversation.

"Wow, that's pretty tall for a girl." Chanyeol said, then looked at D.O. and Suho and compared us. "All three of you guys are about the same. If anything only by a few centimeters." Chanyeol laughed.

"Okay, okay. Real funny. Now, can we go?" Suho said while handing me a pair of his running shoes.

"I got it, you guys remind me of those yellow things from that movie that came out a little bit ago. What were they called? Oh yeah! Minions!" Chanyeol pointed and laughed then Sehun and Jongin joined in.

I remembered why I hated High School. The boys liked to bug you and make fun of you, but never realized that some of us criticized ourselves already. All they would do is add fuel to the flames and this was an addition to the list of my insecurities. I hated myself for being this way. Even though I was smiling at what Chanyeol said I was already feeling bigger than ever next to all the slim guys in the room.

I sat down and started putting on the shoes Suho lent me. D.O. sat down next me and started putting on his own shoes. The guys were still poking fun at Suho.

"Are you okay?" D.O. asked me quietly.

"Yeah!" I fake smiled. D.O. not buying it just nodded and continued to tie his shoes.

"Don't listen to them. I feel insecure about being small, but I let it slide because they are only bugging me since we're close friends. I think Chanyeol considers you his friend already." D.O. said while tying his shoes without even glancing at me.

I stood up after I finished tying the shoelaces. I could feel the shoes were slightly big on me, but still a good size. D.O. stood up shortly after. Chanyeol came over and started making fun of us and pointed at D.O.'s face.

"Minions, minions, minions." Chanyeol chanted and danced a bit. D.O. finally losing patience, grabbed Chanyeol by his ear. "Aah!"Chanyeol shrieked.

"Keep bugging us and I'll start calling you Donkey from Shrek because of your giant ears and plus you never shut up!" D.O. yelled at Chanyeol.

Suho, Jongin, and Sehun stayed quiet for a second to process. Then, everyone burst out laughing at Chanyeol, who looked terrified of D.O.'s angry state. I joined in on the laughing a few moments after. Even, to my surprise, D.O. and Chanyeol started laughing.

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