A begining like no other

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I wake up to the sound of my screaming demon beside my bed. I do a spell circle that shoots a green fireball at it and destroyed it. "Huh time to wake sis up" I said
I go put on a black and grey flannel shirt with blue jeans and some white high top sneakers that have a sled on the side of them. I go over to amity's room and knock on the door. "Sis time to get up" I said through the door
"Five more minutes" amity said
"Ed and em are looking through your stuff" I said
She bursted the door open with her daytime cloths on already. "Where are they" amity said with a spell circle and the ready.
"No where but in there bed still asleep. I had to get you up, now come on. I'm making breakfast" I said
Her spell circle dissolved into nothing as she followed me to the dining room but then I make a turn before to two rooms infront of me.
I pull out two air horns. "Alright so Ed pranked me yesterday with a spider so he gets it today" I said
I grab some flex tape and put it on the air horn and throw It in his room. It starts to make a long horn sound in his room. I go over to ems room and knock on the door. "Em, I'm making breakfast. If you don't get up then your getting a air horn to" I said
"IT HAS FLEX TAPE ON IT AHHHHHH" Edric yelled from his room with the air horn still going. I heard a lot of shuffling from Emiras room then she opened the door. "Ah glad you could get up easy." I said
She walked over to the dining room. "WHY ARE YOU SO CRUEL ADAM" Edric yelled from his room
"*sigh* I guess that's enough" I said
I go over to edrics room and open the door. I make a spell circle and the horn goes to flames. "Come on Ed. Breakfast is ready" I said walking out
"Your such a monster" Ed grumbled
"You know I heard that Ed. Would you like something worse" I said with a ice spear in hand
He shone his head multiple times. I melted the spear. "Good" I said
I walk back to the dining room and everyone is there. I walk back to the kitchen and make breakfast and place it infront of everyone. "You do know Adam that we have servants for this" Dad said
"I know but I like cooking. It calms me" I said
Everyone got done and amity came to my room. "Adam were going to school remember" amity said
"Oh yeah" I realized
I go to my closet and get my uniform on. I meet amity outside. "Did you put the limiter on" amity asked
I show her my wrist that has the abomination emblem on it. "Yes I did but I don't see a point. I can take mine off easily unlike everyone else" I said as my eyes glow and the emblem disappeared and re appeared. "So they won't think your a wild witch. Besides you only do that if either yourself or us are in danger" amity said
"Yeah yeah. Come on sis" I said
She got on her wheelbarrow with abomination slime in a big jar. It started rolling as it went down the dirt road to hexide. "Darn...why can't I get this" a person said
We went up the road to see Willow with a puddle of sludge in the ground. "Oh Willow. You were so meaningless I almost ran over you" amity said
"Hi amity" Willow says a little sour
I honestly feel bad for her. I know she has a talent in plants but got put in a whole different track. "Oh I see your trying to make your abomination still. Well as top student I should tell you not to give up. Abomination rise" amity commands
The abomination came out of her jar and wrote on her head she could do it. "Welp in going to go now. Try not to fail class" amity says rolling off.
"Sorry Willow. See you after class. I'll try to help you again" I said starting to walk off
"Thanks Adam" she said a little sad
I catch up to amity and we go inside hexide. We both walk into abomination class and the teacher sees us two. "Ah my two best students glad you could join us" the teacher said
We both walk to our spots and sit. Willow comes in a little anxious for some reason but I ignore it. The class starts and a student made a abomination with too many toes. "Failure. The biggest abominations are all of y'all. Extra homework for a week if the next student fails"the teacher said
Everyone groans at this. "I would gladly go. Abomination rise" amity commands
The abomination rise and did a stance. "Hehehe amity you know I save the best for last. How about Willow" the teacher said
Everyone groaned even more about how bad Willow was. "Um abomination rise" Willow commands. A abomination came out but it was obviously fake. "Wow so life like. I think we have a new top student" the teacher said
"WHAT" amity exclaims
The teachers abomination came over and took her star and put it on Willow. Everyone cheered for not having extra work. How did he not notice it was fake. He is the FUCKING TEACHER. "Alright Adam you go next before amity to end the class" the teacher said
"Alright..abomination come forth" I said as I point two fingers up and pinkish sludge came from a spell circle in the ground and made a abomination that was twice as tall as me. It had five eyes and cat like ears at the top with clawed legs and beefy arms. "Excellent as always Adam"the teacher said
The bell ring for lunch and me and amity went. We were walking down the halls and then boscha comes up. Me and her stop infront of each other. With me staring down at her since I was taller by 4 inches. "Boscha" I said kinda cold
"Adam" she said
I was glaring at her. I don't really like nor trust her. She thinks she is the shit that everyone grovels beneath her. Mom and dad makes me and amity hang out with her for social ranks. If I didn't have this stupid limiter I would beat her ass all the way to the emperors castle. "Adam we got to get to lunch. Boscha can try to atleast touch you after school" amity said knowing what I was thinking. "Hey I could beat his butt any day of the weak" Boscha said all confident
"Yeah, you could. But only my weaker side" I said with my golden eyes turning a lightish purple for a second. She backed up a little but amity pulled me away before I did anything rash.

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