My wrath

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I heard a knock at the door of my library. "Come forth" I said
Edric came in. "Me lord I have news" edric joked
"Ha, what you got brother" I said
" wants to see you" edric said kinda getting nervous
I stop dead. My body stiffens. " said dad right" I ask
"Um....yes" edric said
"Tell him I will be down" I said rushing around my room hiding my secret spell books and putting my limiter on. I put my red blazer on with a black shirt and some blue jeans. I run down the stairs and stop infront of his reading room. I knock on the door. "Father it's me" I said
I heard a faint come in so I opened the door. I closed the door behind me. He pointed to a chair infront of him. I sat down in the leather chair. "Adam how have your study's been" dad asked
"Well, I am the second best student under amity in abomination and I am now learning how to ignite my abomination to explode."I said
"Great, now I have something I need to tell you about your future" dad said
"Um what would that be dad" I ask
"You need to find a suitable wife. A wealthy one to." Dad said
I just froze,a wife. I'm just fourteen. "So that is why you will be marrying boscha" dad said
I just broke there. I don't want to be with boscha. We literally choke each other on sight. I want to choose someone that will be making me happy not for there wealth but there kindness. "U-um father. Me and Boscha don't see eye to eyes. We kinda both fight each other often" I said trying to convince him
He gave me a stern look. "Young man you will marry her when you come of age. This will higher our social rank." Dad said with a hint of anger
"But we are already wealthy enough why d-" "ADAM BLIGHT YOU WILL MARRY HER.I WILL MAKE YOU IF I HAVE TO. You can never be to wealthy. Get out of my sight before I disown you" dad said with a disgusted look
I got up and left. I went to the forest. I fall to my knees. "Why does he do this to me and amity. The two monsters tear us apart day by day. First the hair making us loose close friends. Now marriage." I said to myself I looked at my arm I turn off the limiter. "I WISH THEY COULD BE BURNT WHERE THEY STOOD, I WANT TO TEAR EVERYTHING THEY WORKED FOR" I yelled I put lightning on my arm and punch a tree destroying it and three trees behind it. "AHHHHH" I yelled as I start punching one tree after another. I make a katana. I put lightning on it. "I WISH I COULD JUST DESTROY MY PROBLEMS" I yelled as I slash the katana as lightning shot off and slashed about eight trees "I WANT THEM TO DIE BY MY HANDS SO THEY COULD SEE THAT THERE OWN SON KILLED THEM. SO THEY SEE ALL THE SINS THEY COMMITTED" I yell
I slash more trees. My eyes turn purple. Hair turning white with brown roots.  The lightning changing from blue to pink. "FEEL ALL MY AGGRESSION AND HATE TWARDS THEM" I yell
The lightning forms a dragon. "ALL SO I CAN HAVE A HAPPY LIFE WITHOUT THEM" I yell and slash down with the dragon destroying a line of trees for miles. "*huff huff huff* so all my siblings can" I said I collapse to the ground as I start to cry. The katana melted and became five black rings on each finger of my right hand. I heard footsteps. "Hey you ok" a gentle voice ask
I look behind to see a girl with grey and black hair, sides buzzed but has a ponytail in the back. Kind blue eye like the boiling sea. "Ha, I ask myself that everyday" I said
"Well what's the answer all those times" she ask
"I never find one" I said
It was silent then. "Well how about I help you find that answer" she ask pointing beside me
I nod and she sits down beside me. "Cool hair. And those eyes to" she says
I blush a little and I remember I'm in skyline. "Oh it's a side effect of a spell" I said
I turn it off and my gold eyes with green hair return. "Names Adam blight" I said with my hand out
She shakes it. "Skara" she said
"Beautiful name I must say" I said
She had a tint of pink. "Thanks. So what's a blight like you doing out here" skara ask
"Hm well. Don't tell anyone alright" I said
She nods
I don't know what I'm doing. I never really trust anyone except my siblings with this kinda stuff but skara just feels like someone I can talk to. "My parents have me in a arranged marriage with boscha" I said
She gasped. "Wow boscha and you. Boscha talks about you like she wants to kill you when we hang out" skara said
"That's what I'm saying we don't see eye to eye. I told dad that but he just won't listen because of social status." I said
"That must suck. Oh I know what could cheer you up. There's a convention today" skara said
"Sure." I said
We got up and we started to walk there. "So what's the spell you do that changed your hair and eyes."skara said
"Well I call it skyline. I was messing with spells and potions one day and accidentally mixed two potions I was working on together and they spilt on me." I said going into skyline with my hair turning white and eyes turning purple and then back to normal. "So cool. I wonder what my hair would look like white" skara said
"I bet it would look good." I said
"Maybe. Oh where here" skara said
We go in and see all the covens and then we see a little dog kind of demon with cupcakes. I walk over to it. "Hey you lost" I ask it
"Nope I'm just getting offerings from these people." He said
"Cool what's your name" I ask
"King, the king of the demons" king said holding up a cupcake
"Names Adam and that's skara. Need help holding those" I said with the cupcakes
He nods I grab some and skara puts him on his shoulder. We walk around and he gets more stuff from the coven stands. Then he sees a girl with a purple and white hoodie. "LUZ" he yells happily as he runs to her. "King" luz said back picking up king
I walk up to her. "So you friends of her king" skara said
"Yes this is my best friend" king says sitting in luz hoodie.
"Thanks for finding him I was getting worried" luz said to skara
"No prob but Adam was the one who found him" skara said pointing to me
She looked at me and got some shivers. "You ok you look like you seen a ghost" I said laughing a little
"O-oh no you just look like someone else I was thinking about. Thanks again" luz said running away. I look at the cupcakes in hand and look at her. I teleport infront of her. "I think king would want these" I said
"AHHH" luz said falling on her butt
"Oh sorry I keep forgetting that people get scarred when I do that" I said rubbing my neck
I give king his cupcakes.
"Thanks Adam. May we meet again" king said
"Oh corse king" I said teleporting back to skara
"AHHH" skara yelled
Falling back but I catch her. "Whoops" I said
We were close to each other's face and were both blushing. I help her back up. "T-thanks Adam" skara stutters
"Y-yeah" I said stuttering
We walk around and see the emperors coven. "Ooh let's go there. Theirs a special guest this year" skara said pulling me to there.
"Oh k" I said being pulled there.
When we got in we sat at a porn space as it started. "Welcome one and all. My students ask me every year 'principle bump what's the height of magic'" bump said
"Is if this" a kid said with him making his head big
"Gosh I failed you as a principle. It is the emperors coven, they use not one not to but all magic you heard me all oh ah" bump said
Everyone ooed and ahed. "Now for this years special guest you know her you love her please welcom the leader of the emperors coven Lilith clawthorn" bump said as a raven of fire appeared and then dissolved as a person with a raven mask removed it and her cloak and threw it to bump. "Ha principle bump being used as a coat hanger" I said
Skara laughed at this. "I started from humble beginnings like all of you be more join  the emperors coven" Lilith said as she disappeared as a bolt of lightning struck there
"Might use that" I said
We got up and walked out. "That was so cool. I
hope I can be in the emperors coven. It would be so cool to learn all the magic." Skara said
"Yeah I think you could make it" I said
"Well you could to I mean with that skyline thing your almost invincible" skara said
"Hey no need to tell everyone that. I kinda hide that" I said
"Why though" skara said
"Well I can use all magic but I would be considered a wild witch like eda the owl lady if anyone found out" I said
"But you told me" skara said
"W-well I kinda trust you which is weird" I said
Then someone yelled. "Witches duel with amity blight"
"Oh god what has sis gotten into" I said
I grab skara and put her on my back. "Hold on" I said as I went into skyline a whistle can be heard as I run with lightning behind me. When I stop at the arena the whistle fluttered down as i turn off skyline. "What's wrong Adam" skara ask
"I feel like amity has done something stupid" I said
We both go in and went to the bottom of the stands. Amity is about to step on a lump in the ground but king falls and hits it as spikes come out. I turn on skyline as king was about to get stabbed. I jump down as the faint whistle goes off when I run I jumped up and grabbed king as I dodged the spikes and land on the ground. The whistle flutters when I stopped on the ground. "Oh Adam when did you get here" king ask
"When I heard my sis was doing a witches duel that had magic traps." I said with a little anger
"Magic traps. Luz you cheated" amity yelled
"Wait luz" I look over to see her standing there
"Wait I can explain" luz said
But amity ran out. I put king on the ground. "Don't step on the lumps king" I said
He nods and goes follow luz as she runs out. "Ha lily you cheated" someone said
I look over to see Lilith and some woman with grey hair. "No but you did to so I won dear sister" Lilith said
I glare at them as lightning sparks around me and my eyes glow bright. "You two put my sister in danger just FOR SOME SIBLING RIVALRY" I yelled as the lightning was getting more and more wild.
"Who are you kid" the grey haired one asked
"I'm amity's brother. And the one WHO IS GOING TO DESTRY YOU TWO" I said as I melted my rings into a black bo staff. I hit it on the ground and lightning went around each end. I throw the staff at them and it buried itself in the ground. "Shock trail" I said as the lightning explodes on the end out of the ground but the dodge. I return the staff to me. "AHHHH" I yell as the faint whistle came back and was getting louder. I heard them behind me and I look as I replace myself with a rock that was thrown up. "What" the gray haired said
I hit her in the side with the lightning and it shocked her and sent her to a wall. Lilith looked at her in worry. "Only the strong survive so focus on yourself" I said
She made a spell circle with her staff that sent fire my way but I made a spell circle that absorbed it and a circle came behind her as it shot out her flame from it hitting her back. "What but that's a high level spell" Lilith said
"Well guess what bitch I know almost all spells you could think of" I said
I turn my staff into a tanto as I cut in half a wood owl tube. "Don't think I forgot about you" I said as I made the tanto into four metal rods. I throw two beside the grey hair and two beside Lilith. I snap my fingers as lightning hits both of them from the rods. "This is what happens to the people that put my siblings in danger." I said
"ADAM STOP" amity yelled
I stop immediately and I look to her.I see luz, skara, and king with her. All four having scared looks. I look at my hands, then to the two people I hurt. I melt the rods and make them my rings again and run as a whistle slowly gets quieter from them all. I run to the edge of bonesbrough. To where you see the boiling seas. I turn off skyline as I sit down and try to calm myself. "Am I a monster. I hurt people without second thought. All because I don't want to see those three hurt." I said crying a little.
"It's just something witches do in there nature" a dark voice said
I go into skyline and make my rings into a halo sword and point it to the person behind me. I see it is emperor belos. I immediately melt the sword and turn off skyline. As I kneel in-front of him. "Lord belos. I'm so sorry it's just a reflex I have." I said hoping he doesn't have me petrified for almost killing him.
"All is well child. A good reflex to have though in this place we call home" belos said
"Why thank you my lord" I said
"What was that magic I saw. It felt so...powerful" belos said
"U-um it was a accident that happened to me when I was mixing potions as it spilt on me" I said
"Oh but what a lucky accident that was I see" belos said
"Thank you my lord.. I only use it when my siblings are in danger though." I said
Fuck, he knows. Now he thinks I'm a wild witch. "You know I know you study other magic blight" belos said
SHIIIIIIIT. "O-oh um yeah I do it for a hobby but I only do abominations" I said
"Oh don't worry I won't petrify you" belos said
Oh thank titan. "Why would I waist such talent such as you. Why don't I show you something" belos said with his hand out

(Don't take the bitches hand man)

I took his hand

(God damn it why)

We were suddenly in a dark room then flames lit the room. "Welcome to the throne room young blight" belos said as he sat in his chair
"So what am I doing here" I ask
"I want to give you a choice" belos said
He snapped his fingers and a chest rise from the ground. "Open the chest and your in my coven or you can be petrified" belos said
This is a no brainer. I've wanted to be in this for so long I just can't wait anymore. "Why not" I said
"Then open the chest" belos said
I opened it and it was a suit. "You are now known as agent 34 in this coven when that suit is worn" belos said
"May I ask a favor my lord" I ask
"Continue" belos said
"May my sister join the coven when she graduates from hexide" I ask
"Hm sure" belos said
"When's my first mission" I ask
"Now" belos said holding three pieces of paper

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