The warp

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I was in a secret room I made a while back. I take my limiter off and I feel my power flow again. "Alright what are we trying today" I asked myself
I look in the book of spells that I grabbed from the library. "Oh here's a interesting one. A teleportation type spell that sends you to a dimension opposite of this" I said
I turn on skyline and make a black with purple lined spell circle. It made a green portal infront of me. I walk in and I am in bonesbrough now. But things were different it was a little more...dark. I walk around and then someone tapped my shoulder. I look behind and see him pointing a knife at me. "Give me all your snails kid" a lizard like monster said
I activated skyline and the blade melted to the ground and it went to my hand I made three rings from it. "Now listen to me. Go away before you get messy" I said with my eyes glowing. He ran from me after that and I turned skyline off. "I wonder if the house is the same" I ask myself
I start to go the direction of the house and when I arrive it kinda looked the same except there was barbed wire fencing and metal on the windows. I walk up to the door and knock. A person that looked to be 18 opened it. She had long hair a little longer then her shoulders, a little ponytail in the back. She had a pink and white shirt that said hexide. "So your the amity of this world" I said
"What do you want twerp" the amity asked
"Oh I'm just seeing if this worlds house is like mine. And your definitely older then my worlds amity I see" I said
"Who the hell are you. And why do you keep saying this world. This is the only boiling isles" amity said
"Oh if only you knew. I'm from a dimension where everything is...not this bad. I am Adam from another world where you had a twin brother" I explained
"Ha I bet that's fake" amity said
"Hm then why don't I show you" I said
I turn skyline on and she flinched a little. I open the green portal. "Would you like to see the truth" I said holding my hand out
She looked hesitant but went in. We went into another dimension where there where purple banners with a type of light glyph. "Oh great. Just what I need right now" I said
"What happened" dimension amity said
"Miss calculated and now we are in another world where there is a different emperor that came to power it seems" I said pointing to the banner.
"What does that do. It just looks like a normal light glyph" dimension amity said
"Well there's a few modifications" I said
A guard came around with purple and white armor. He looked at us. "Hey commoners. Where is your uniforms" the guard said
"What now" dimension amity asked
"How do you feel about arson" I ask turning on skyline
"Oh now your getting my dimension" d amity said
She pointed her middle finger up and a flame was made. I make my rings into two tantos. "Put the wepons down and come with me" the guard ordered
Amity threw a fire ball at him and it hit him and sent him back. I put lightning on the tantos and throw one of my rings next to the guard. It hits him in the forehead annoying him. I switch places with the ring. "Bye" I said before stabbing him and decapitating him. I switch places with my ring and melt my tantos and ring as they form back on my hand. "Wasn't that a little much" d amity asked
"Hm nah. Just needed to get some stuff off my chest" I said
"I get that" d amity said
Then guards surrounded us. "Oh it seems have been surrounded" d amity said
"So it seems" I said
"What now we can easily clap them" amity said with a flame on her finger
"Hm I want to meet the emperor here" I said
"Why we can just barge in if it is in the same place as our emperors place" d amity said
"Yeah but I want to crush there dreams when we get there" I said with a smirk
"Oh now that's good" amity said diminishing her flame
I put my hands up and she does also. The guards came and threw us in a cart. We finally stopped and they opened the door. "Get out scum" the guard said
"Would you like to do the honors" I ask
"Hm why thank you Adam" d amity said
She shot a flame at the guard sending him off the bridge. We walk out and we are at the castle in the rib cage of the titan. "Called it" d amity said
Guards started coming down the hall. I start to shoot lightning at the guards and amity is burning them when she punches them with her flaming fist. We make it to the front of the throne room. "how should we enter" d amity asked
"Hm I say we go in sneaky and come from the top" I say
I look at a air duct. She looks at it and nods. We climb up and we see the opening down into the throne room. I go down there and do a flip. I look up at the emperor. "Hello there" I say
d amity dropped in behind me. The emperor raised his head to us. "who are you two" the 'emperor' said
"Why I'm just seeing what this dimension is about with a friend" I say
"Ok good joke now tell me the truth" the 'emperor' said
"I mean it is the truth. I bet if you found amity
Blight then you would know the similarities in this amity correct" I said point to d amity
A person walked out from the shadows. It was amity in black and purple armor with a crest like the emperor has on. "Oh so she is the right hand in this dimension" I say
"Who are you" e amity said
"Well *turns off skyline* I'm Adam blight twin of amity blight" I said
"I'm you from another dimension and more cooler then your shitty self" d amity said
E amity seemed to be annoyed by this. The 'emperor' held up his hand. "Well what happens in your dimensions" the 'emperor' ask
"Well there's a different emperor that has made the boiling isles shitty by only helping the rich. And I was disowned from the family so I burned my parents inside there house with my siblings." D amity said
"I'm in a dimension where the emperor has made a coven system like almost all dimensions but the blight parents had another set of twins with me and amity. I am in a arranged marriage with boscha right now though that will change by my hands. Also I recently joined the emperors coven as agent 34" I explained
"Interesting. Well I guess I should introduce myself" the emperor said taking off his helmet to reveal a girl with brown hair and gold eyes like us blights. "The names luz noceda. The human empress" luz said
"Hm never suspected that" I said
"Why's that" luz said
"Well we have a luz but she doesn't know magic yet. And is also kinda optimistic" I said
"Oh we have a luz to but she is my girlfriend and has a bat that has spells on it she murders witches with" d amity said kinda swooning over her
"Shows how diverse the dimensions are" e amity said
"Yeah you could say that. I thought you were going to kill us" I said
"Ha, don't worry your welcome here anytime. Also show me your dimensions luz sometime. I want to teach her some things" empress luz said
"Sure" I said going skyline and opening a portal
"Hey I want to go on more adventures with you so call me" d amity said going in
I nod and the portal changes to my dimension. "Also amity. Don't be afraid of the leap" I said
She blushed a little and nods
I walk in and i am in my secret area now. "Hm. Hopefully amity doesn't fall for our human. The other two seemed like a good fit but that weakling no. Hopefully amity finds a girl worthy of her" I said to myself

(Ha if only you knew my friend)

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