Grudgebe fright

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I wake up and immediately my head starts hurting. "Agh what in the hell is wrong with my head" I ask
I go to the bathroom and splash my face with to wake me up. I look up to the mirror and gasp. Black veins from my eyes are on my face. "What the hell" I said
I go to my space. I look through my books trying to find the recipe for skyline. "Where is it. WHERE IS IT" I said panicking
I found it and read through it. " Bone from the Titans dark elbow. Side effects of the bone ore: anger lashes, power hungry, killing sprees. Shit, shit, shit. How did I not see this. And I have nothing to fix this." I panicked more
Hiw do I know I won't kill anyone. Amity, Ed, em, skara. How am I going to protect them from myself. I need to fix this somehow. I grab a Red Bull. And chug the whole thing and grab another. "Where am I gonna get a potion for this." I asked
I think for a moment. The night market. I'll go there after today. I go back to my room and grab my uniform. Wait a damn minute. How am I going to hide the veins. New plan. Emperors castle. Yeah I can go there. I got a knock at the door. "Adam it's me. I need to tell you something." Amity said
"Sure what is it" I asked
"Can you come to my gridgebe match. I wanted you to see me again like the good old days"amity said
Shit that's today. Fucking great. "Um sure but I might be a little la-" I started couching. I cover my mouth and see blood on my hand. "I might be a little late alright" I said
"Adam you ok" amity said starting to open the door.
"YEAH YEAH JUST DONT COME IN. Your going to be late,yeah now go" I said shutting the door
It was silent. " sure your ok" amity asked
"Yep totally fine" I said but coughed up more blood
I heard foot steps walking away. Shit what am I going to do. It's getting worse by the second. I need something. Crap. I guess find something at the market right now. I run out without skyline. When I finally make it to the market I see a potion stand. I run up to it. And I ring the bell. "Yo anyone there"I ask
Someone came up. It was a skinny witch with glasses but that's not important. "Hey do you got anything for the side effects of the dark elbow" I ask
"The dark elbow. Hold on let me check" the witch said as he went back into his shop stand thing. When he came back he had a black liquid in a bottle. "This does it but it is only temporary. I can make you more batches every three days since that is when it runs out"he said
"Alright great take that" I said as I threw him a bag of snails and chugged the whole bottle. I handed his bottle back and ran to hexide with skyline again. When I got there I saw the grudgebe game about to start. I run to the entrance then turn it off. When I get in there I sit down and watch as amity, luz and Willow play. They were running up and Willow made the thorn catapult that threw luz and then at the last second passed to amity so she can score. "YEAH GOO TEAM" I yell
Amity was coming back to the ground but boscha kicked her in the knee right when she hit the ground and amity made a sound of pain. My eye started to hurt as my veins were becoming black. Nononono, resist. You can't kill her.but she has done so much wrong. No not again. She made your life and amity's miserable. Who will miss her. She is in the way of you and skara. I got to get out of here. I'm a ticking time bomb waiting to kill. "HA WHOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT. LITTLE MISS PERFECT GETTING HURT HOW SAD AND WEAK YOU ARE" Boscha yelled
My eyes became red with fury. I teleported down there and looked her in the eyes. She went still as we were in the arena but the sky was red and the clouds were black as there was nothing around us exept me and her. My red eyes glowing. "Oh you messed up boscha. Now you must suffer" I said in a deep voice
I made one of my rings into a sword and stabbed it in her leg and teleported all around her making after images. Stabbing her in multiple laces as it seemed like days we were in there only for it to be mere seconds. When we got back to the real world she looked at me in panic and ran. I was about to run after her but my eyes turned back to purple. I look at my hands and hold my head. "Oh titan it's happening more frequently" I said
I look back to amity to see luz and her talking. She blushed a deep red when she said something and then scooped amity up into her arms. "Wow..sports" is all amity could say as she was as red as a tomato. I laughed a little at this. And I walked away. I got a call on my communicator. I open it to see Kiki. "Kiki, what news do you bring"I ask
"The emperor needs to see you. It is of the owl lady" Kiki said
I nod my head. "Alright Kiki I'll be there in a bit" I said
I start to walk back home to get my stuff.

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