Chapter Twenty-Three

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Howard took the news about their marriage surprisingly well, simply rolling his eyes and muttering something about idiots who liked to make things more complicated than they needed to be.

The Commandos, in turn, were thrilled to learn about Bucky's status. Having one superhuman on their team was great, having two was even better. They understood the need for secrecy as well and Stephanie was confident she could trust them, and Howard.

There was one other positive about the whole thing. Stephanie thought of it a few days later and, upon next spotting her husband, proceeded to drag him into the nearest dark corner. He took that as an invitation, which it sort of was, and it was several long moments before Stephanie remembered she hadn't pulled him over for an impromptu make out session, however enjoyable said session might be.

"Who won the pool?" she finally managed to gasp out once she'd convinced him, begrudgingly, to stop his very thorough exploration of her mouth and neck.

"Pool?" Bucky repeated blankly. He was breathing hard and his pupils were blown, a clear sign she might have let things get just a little out of hand.

Stephanie wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her forehead against his. "The pool," she repeated carefully, "who won it?"

"Oh, that pool," Bucky said finally, his breathing returning to something approximating normal. "Higgins, I think."

"Great," Stephanie said, kissing him lightly. "Make sure you get a cut."

Bucky raised an eyebrow. "Do what now?"

"A cut," Stephanie repeated brightly. "He only made money thanks to us, right? I think it's only fair we should get some of it."

Bucky chuckled and kissed her, hard. "I married a mercenary. I like it."

"You knew that before you married me," Stephanie said, unrepentant, "or did you honestly believe I got better deals at the grocer's than you did simply because I was cuter?"

Bucky considered and then shrugged. "Could have gone either way."

Stephanie shook her head in mock despair and started to push past him to head to the training room. Before she could he blocked her, pressing his hands to the wall on either side of her and leaning in to kiss her again.

Stephanie relaxed and lightly grabbed the front of his shirt with just her fingertips, tugging him in closer.

The training room would still be there in another five minutes...or ten.


They were sent out on their next mission before Peggy returned from hers so there was no chance to tell her the news before they left. Stephanie could only imagine the sorts of rumors the other woman might hear and sincerely hoped Howard would set the record straight on a few of the more outlandish rumors that had cropped up. Even though they were married she and Bucky had tried to remain discrete, knowing what people already thought, but they had both chosen to still see each other and it was impossible to hide every interaction. The news that she was now clearly in a relationship with a married man had added fuel to the proverbial flames, as she'd suspected would happen, and the rumor mill had lost its collective mind. One of the more outlandish rumors Stephanie had heard was that she was apparently sleeping with not just Bucky but with all the Commandos, simultaneously. Where they thought she got that kind of time and stamina, super soldier or not, she didn't know but she was glad to be sent out before Bucky, or one of her men, finally lost their self-control and punched someone.

Or before she lost her self-control and punched several someones.

The next base, as with the ones before it, was in a wooded area, a fact that never failed to work in their favor. Stephanie supposed the location helped camouflage the base from possible aerial attacks and made it difficult to reach but it was also a great help for her and her men to cover their approach.

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