The Room part (2/3)

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Skylar's POV

For a while I just sat there hypnotically watching Teen Wolf. I was at episode 5 when a loud clank snapped me out of my daze.

I immediately leaped up, surprised by the sudden noise. I looked around frantically, only to see a neat pile of clothes being deposited through a barely-noticeable slot beside the bed.

Since, however, I had leaped up so quickly the trail mix I was eating had spilled all over me.

I decided I would change into a new pair of clothing, as soon as the slot closed.

Barely a minute later, the slot closed with another loud clanking noise, and I made my way over to the pile. I reached for a pale blue hoodie; since I wasn't going to be doing anything important, I figured, I might as well dress the part.

"Ow!" I yelped as something fell out of it.

I knelt down and picked up a small package. Curiously, I inhaled the scent.


I remembered the scent so I could thank the person later.

I ripped open the package and examined the contents. There was a tiny key, and 2 books. The first book was handheld-sized and was titled 'Pack History."

I quickly went to the index.

Alphas Pg 20-21

Without hesitation, I flipped to page 20 and began reading.

'Alpha Arnold Costello founded the pack in 1922. With his mate, Samantha Costello, he had 3 children; Terence, Michael, and Martha. Terence, being the first born, took over in his father's place in 1943. He and his mate, Maya Costello, had only one child; Mae Costello. It was not to be though. Mae Costello died three weeks after birth, and Maya Costello died giving birth. Terence could not lead without a heir, so in 1944 he married Angela Costello. Angela Costello's origins are unknown, she is assumed to be from a neighboring pack. Angela and Terence had 4 children; Damien, Douglas, Cheryl, and Miranda. Damien took over in 1968, with his mate Fiona Costello. They had 2 children; Darrel and Randy. Darrel took over in 1990, with his mate Dianne. They had 2 children; Landon and Caroline. Landon took over in 2013 and is currently leading.'

What was about Angela Costello? Why couldn't they trace her origin?

The second book had faded too much to read anything on it's cover. It was made of some sort of brown leather, and was securely locked. Using the small key, I unlocked it.

The title page read 'The Diary of Angela Costello.' in neat cursive.

I flipped to the first page and began to read.

'Terence Costello came to me today with promises of fame and fortune. My mate, a warlock who possess nearly as much power as myself, Simon, has warned me not to meet with him, but I could not resist his wishes. Terence had told me I would marry him, which of course I immediately denied. Simon will not be pleased.'

Entry 2
Terence came back today, with a look of desperate madness. He told me of his daughter's passing, and I sent my best wishes towards him. He told me his offer of marriage stands, and I did not tell Simon. His grieving state did not deserve more stress.

Entry 3
Terence returned yet again when Simon was out. I am afraid he has gone insane. He will not back down from his marriage proposal, even though I've denied every request.

Entry 4
Simon proposed to me today, and I accepted. The marriage is set for six months from today.

Entry 5
Terence came over today, and he was furious. I am scared for the future.

Entry 6

This will be my last entry. Know that I place this curse on the Costello family's firstborn children from now until one worthy enough has broken it. Terence, killed my Simon, and is now forcibly marrying me.

Shocked, I closed the book.

My mate was the firstborn.

My mate was cursed.

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