3. Shaded Pack

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He was slumped down in the drivers seat, his eyes closed as if he was asleep. His black hair flopped lifelessly on his forehead, and if I wasn't able to hear the steady rhythm of his heart I would have thought for sure he was dead.

I shuddered at the thought, and the animalistic growl that erupted from my chest let me know my wolf agreed, we weren't ready to loose him.

I wasn't sure exactly what to do. The car was still in the parking lot of the icecream shop, and it was still bustling with business. So shifting was definitely out.

Finally, I supported him on my shoulders and was able to basically carry him and hoist him in the back seat. It was pointless to attempt to position him in a sitting position, because he would probably just fall over, so instead I left him laying down.

It was so unnatural, and I felt like a serial killer about to get away with murder.

I shrugged off my delusional thoughts as best I could, I needed to focus.

I knew his pack bordered my own, what I didn't know was how to get in. If I just showed up with him in this state, I seriously doubt anyone would believe me, instead I would probably be killed on the spot without another word.

I decided it would be wisest to go to my alpha, he might be able to at least have him checked out while his own pack came to retrieve him.

So, I pulled out of the ice cream shop and drove to my pack house, which was only about ten miles away.

When I knocked, our heavily pregnant luna answered the door.

"Hello Skylar! What can I do for you?" She asked.

In my opinion, she was the best luna we ever had. She definitely looked the part, with her beautiful blonde hair with natural highlights, and her model -like figure, and not to mention she was always willing to help her pack members.

I smiled gratefully at her eagerness to help out.

"Actually, I need to speak to the alpha." I told her.

She frowned slightly. "Is it very urgent? He's in a meeting with the Shaded pack's beta. I don't know the details but apparently their leader is missing."

I bit my lip. "About that." I started.

Minutes later we burst into a humongous room. It perfectly resembled one of those board rooms you see in the movies, except papers were scattered in some sort of a frenzy matter across the table.

My alpha's gaze shot up to the luna and I.

"Lailene, why have you interrupted us?" He asked the Luna in a clipped tone, it was obvious he didn't want to stress her.

"Skylar knows where their alpha is, and we need a pack doctor right this instant." She informed them.

The Shaded pack's beta growled lowly at us, causing Lailene to jump back. I however, followed my natural instinct and jumped in front of her, and crouched in a defensive stance.

My alpha growled the beta.

"Stand down." He ordered.
The beta slouched back into his chair, unable to defeat an alpha's orders.

"If he's hurt..." The beta trailed off dangerously.

"He's in my car." I said, as I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

Lailene stepped forwards.

"Derek get a pack doctor." She ordered, earning a surprised yet hostile growl from the fuming beta.

Derek, the alpha, nodded. His eyes glazed over a bit, which meant he was mindlinking.

"Our best doctor is on the way." He said, the beta seemed to calm down a bit.

"So Skylar, what happened?" He asked expectantly.

"Well," I started, "I was out buying ice cream when I spotted him. I instantly knew he was my mate." I paused and took in their reactions. Lailene looked genuinely pleased, the alpha looked a bit indifferent, and the beta's face contorted from one of intense anger to understanding.

"And.. His wolf seemed like he didn't like me." I said, carefully choosing my words.

"He was on the verge of attacking me, but he was able to stop himself.. By injecting himself with wolfsbane."

The beta stood up, suddenly alert.

"Jesus Landon." He muttered.

The door was thrown open as a pack doctor walked in. He was an older man, with small round glasses. He carried a black suitcase of supplies.

"What seems to be the problem?" He asked.

"Follow me." I told him.

We descended down the stairs and out the front door to the car.

Landon was in the exact position I left him in.

"May I see the needle he injected himself with?" The doctor asked.

I found it laying carelessly under the drivers seat, luckily still intact.

He studied it for a moment, calculating.

Finally, he spoke. "He should be fine. The best you could do for him is to take him home and let him rest."

The beta nodded in relief. He got in the drivers seat and looked at me expectantly.

"You coming or not?" He asked dryly.

Lailene nodded encouragingly.

I slid into the seat next to him.

I was going to the Shaded pack.

And I was terrified.

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