1. Problems (unedited)

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His black eyes searched mine without mercy.

"What do you mean stay away?" I asked.

His body radiated anger, and I could tell by the way he was reacting that he was of power.

"I mean, do not lead the human on. I will not allow it." He growled lowly.

"What did I do?" I shot back.

He heaved a great sigh, and his eyes returned to their beautiful blue ones.

"Oh god." He muttered, running his hand through his hair.

He pressed his lips tightly together and closed his eyes for a minute.

Expectantly he opened them and searched me, as if looking for an answer.

"Well?" he asked.

"Well what?" I mumbled.

"Are you going to reject me or not?" He said. I didn't miss the tiny shard of hope that seeped through his clipped tone.

"No." I clarified.

He raised an eyebrow.

"My wolf.. he's different. He's.. difficult." He explained.

I frowned and considered this.

Different? What could that mean? Was it because he had power?

"Is it because he has power?" I voiced my thoughts.

He smiled. "Is it that obvious?" He boasted, a bit arrogantly.

"Alpha or beta?" I asked.

He smirked. "Alpha."

"You didn't answer my question though, is that why he's "difficult"?" I emphasized on the difficult.

He shook his head.

We were gathering a small group of onlookers, and not all of them were wolves.

His gaze flickered towards the humans.

"Let's go down to the lake." He declared.

The lake was a small beach that was exclusively owned by three bordering packs. The three packs in the Summer, were so close that the idea had been tossed around more than once that they should simply combine packs.

Since the weather was so hot, there was no doubt in my mind that the lake would be overly crowded.

"Let's go then. We'll take my car." He decided.

"And leave my baby? I think not!" I gasped.

He smirked, but took my hand anyways and led me to his car.

He laid his hand on the key when he started growling.

"Oh god, calm your wolf down." I shouted, which probably would win the most idiotic thing to say in a life and death situation award.

His eyes blackened, and his canines extended.

"I told you to stay away." He growled.

I couldn't help compare his wolf to his human, whom I made a mental note to ask his name for.

For starters, his wolf spoke in such a gruff, angry tone that it was impossible not to be afraid, but his human was perfect, with the exception of the annoying smirking, but I could deal with that much.

He gripped my wrists and pulled me towards him, claws extended.

"This is what happens when you go against my orders." He growled.

He then traced a long line down my arm with his claw, which was followed by a string of scarlet.

His WolfWhere stories live. Discover now