~ Chapter Thirty Two ~

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Your POV:

You couldn't let Alois spoil you in such way, everything in this shop was far too expensive!

Your eyes were wide as saucers and you were holding tightly onto Alois' slim, pale hand, as he smirked (down/up) at your reaction.

'Why are you so shocked, my love?' he asked, his tone was calm and soft, almost as if he was trying to seduce you. You then realised that you'd been gazing at the shop's interior as if it was some sort of rare monument - and snapped, quickly, out of your thoughts.

'I'm not shocked,' you began, glancing up at him in embarrassment. 'You aren't going to buy me anything from this shop, everything here costs far too much money!' You said, shaking your head as his smirk grew larger. He hummed quietly at your statement, almost as if he was waving away your opinion with mere vocals.

'Y/n, I'm an Earl, I work for Queen Victoria herself - I'm rich, I can spend as much money as I please!' he stated the obvious, a tint of stubbornness in his tone of voice, as he guided you deeper into the shop; nearer to the ball-fittings.

'Fine, I'm not accepting anything then.' Alois didn't seem to hear you, or he must've ignored you as he stepped closer towards the racks of ballgowns, flicking through them and thinking to himself.

'Mhm.. Now, do you prefer the colour scarlet or emerald?' he asked, taking out two long, elegant ballgowns and holding them out for you to see, still not looking at you. 

'What- Did you not hear me, I don't want you to spend any money for me-'

'-In fact, I think you'd suit neither, let's see if they have a purple one!' He interrupted, placing the ballgowns back and flicking through the variety of coloured dresses.

He was so passionate about buying things for you that he didn't even listen to your complaints. You merely just wanted to save the expense as you didn't seem to understand why Alois was spoiling you so much - you weren't at all used to it and felt slightly guilty that you couldn't do the same as you no longer had a will of money from your father.

'What's your favourite colour, Y/n?'

'Hmm.. I suppose a dark shade of blue is quite lovely,' you said, as he pulled out a dark purple dress, silver jewels embedded into the layers of fabric, frill by the collar line. Your eyes widened at the sight, it was one of the best ballgowns you've ever layed eyes upon.

'I suppose you like this one, then,' Alois said, smirking at you as you rolled your eyes, jokingly. He then passed the dress to Claude, who held it in the crook of his arm, standing there silently and with a seemingly dead-panned expression upon his face. 'Now, a blue one..' Alois mumbled, turning his attention back to the clothing rack.

'Don't buy too many, two is more than enough - I've already got so many dresses-'

'-Shhh,' the blonde hushed, softly, causing you to experience a mix of flusteredness and annoyance at the same time. 'I want to get you more than just two,' Alois added, running his elegant fingers through the decks of dresses in order to find one which he'd thought would suit you.

'Hm, you said dark blue was your favourite, is that correct?' You nodded at his question and peered over his shoulder at the multiple dresses.

He then pulled out another stunning blue dress, it had a black, laced net layer over it and reached up to the ankles. It had tight upper sleeves, which loosened up and fluttered by the wrists. 'That would be nice on you.'

You felt yourself becoming more and more warm as Alois' odd compliments progressed; which seemed to be occurring rather frequently, recently. He laughed and took out another purple dress, which was to his liking, placing it calmly into Claude's arms.

'Claude, take my money and pay for these dresses,' Alois demanded to his butler, linking his arm with yours as he did so. 'Me and Y/n will be waiting outside, return back quickly,' Alois then led you out of the shop, waving Claude off with his free hand.

'Thank you, Alois, you didn't have to-'

'-I wanted to, my dear Y/n! It makes me happy when I buy things for you!' Alois interrupted once again, cheerfully speaking and standing outside of the shop with you. 'I'm also planning on hosting another ball, which I hope you will wear one of the dresses that I've picked out for you!' 

'Certainly,' you said, smiling at Alois and standing opposite him, a lustful look in your eyes - which resembled the same he'd been showing when the two of you had first set foot into the shop, previously.

You held onto both of Alois' hands with the two of yours, and stared deeply into his sparkling eyes. This made Alois blush slightly, as you had barely ever acted this way.

Suddenly, your attention was shifted behind him, where a tall, familiar figure stepped out of a familiar carriage. Alois noticed that your attention had drifted away from him, causing him to slightly lift your chin with his index finger and thumb - though you still didn't react.

Irritated, he then turned his head around to view what had stolen his perfect moment.

'Is that.. Is that Theodore? And my father's old carriage..?' you whispered, which made you step slightly away from your lover and peer your head slowly further over his shoulder; squinting your eyes in order to try and make out if it really was your butler. 

'What are you talking about, Y/n?'

'I think that's..' the figure approached you and Alois as you spoke, and it was in fact Theodore whom had come to pick you up. 'Theodore, what are you doing here?' you asked, as the figure came to stand behind Alois. He was taller than the two of you, which meant that both of your heads were pointing upwards at an angle, while viewing the seemingly nonchalant butler.

'Sorry for the wait, M'Lady, I had some business to take care of this morning and you were still asleep before I had the chance inform you.'

'That's alright.. What did my father want from you..?'

'He was just asking of Emma, and he also introduced me to his new servants - surprisingly, the stay was rather pleasant, I must say,' Theodore summarised, chuckling darkly and licking his lips hungrily - which caused you to raise an eyebrow. He then snapped out of this quickly, though, his eyes slowly making their way back to view your face.

'I apologise, Miss, was I interrupting something..?'

'Uh- No,' you said, blinking furiously and quickly crossing your arms over your chest. 'Are you sure that's all that happened at the estate, Theodore?' you then asked, attempting to change the subject.

'Yes, M'Lady, I assure you that everything processed smoothly,' he lied, which was actually the first time he'd lied to his Lady - bringing slight guilt to him. The butler then gulped, the pressure of fibbing to his master consuming him, he couldn't live with knowing that he'd made such a mistake, before saying, 'M'Lady, may I speak with you privately later on today? I just wish to inform you more about something else which happened at the appointment..'

'That's fine,' you said, nodding and glancing briefly at Alois - only to look back up at Theodore again. 'How did you convince my father to let you borrow his carriage?'

'I will explain that later, Miss,' Theodore said, seeming suddenly more introverted to discussing the appointment as he scratched the back on his head, nervously. 'I believe it's best for me to return back to the L/n carriage, I still feel like I've come in on something and I wouldn't like to intrude on M'Lady's.. Love life..' Theodore stated, tapping his chin which caused you to scoff.

'Fine, wait in the carriage, We'll be coming in a moment,' You bitterly ordered, rolling your eyes.

You could almost sense the pleasure Theodore was feeling, as he bowed and returned back to wait in the carriage. Alois chuckled at what had just happened, pulling you closer towards him now that your butler was gone - though, you were then interrupted once again by Claude walking out of the shop, your dresses held in his loose wrath.

'Your highness-'

'-Fine, let's go to the carriage, then,' Alois interrupted Claude, rudely, and took you by your hand to his carriage, Claude sighing and following behind the two of you, again..

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